Search person in viewer

Started by frankdarwin, August 29, 2021, 08:48:16 PM

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I have pictures with many people who were also recognized by all.

It is very difficult to find a specific person in this picture by name.

Is there a way to search for a person within the viewer?



No. The Viewer has no functions to search for a person.
Just click on the Person in the Person View or use the File Window search bar or the People Filter to find all images for a person.


This might be a nice feature.

When we use the integrated viewer in face manager (press Enter on a face thumbnail), only the single annotation from which the thumbnail came is shown when the image opens.

In the Viewer, we can momentarily remove all Face Annotations.  What if there was an option there to remove all but one Face Annotation?...(so now the Viewer does what the Face Manager's integrated viewer does).

We could then easily answer the question: "which one is so-and-so in that photo?"


Tip: When you use the <Tab> or <Shift>+<Tab> key to navigate between faces, the selected face label is brought into the foreground and the Tag property in the annotation panel shows the tag of that person.

This might be useful for users dealing with photos of sport events (many runners) or maybe large groups or choirs.
But how many IMatch users do this? I don't know.

Maybe add a feature request so I can learn how many users would need this.
The Viewer already shows (in the annotation panel) a list of all persons in the image. Maybe this could be made clickable or something.
Or yet another pick and select dialog. Or a find person function to locate an annotation with a specific name.
But will this effort be worth it?


Quote from: Tveloso on August 30, 2021, 12:10:39 PM
This might be a nice feature.

When we use the integrated viewer in face manager (press Enter on a face thumbnail), only the single annotation from which the thumbnail came is shown when the image opens.

In the Viewer, we can momentarily remove all Face Annotations.  What if there was an option there to remove all but one Face Annotation?...(so now the Viewer does what the Face Manager's integrated viewer does).

We could then easily answer the question: "which one is so-and-so in that photo?"

If this were implemented, it would greatly simplify working with images with many people, or with images in which the people are very close together or one behind the other.

Quote from: Mario on August 30, 2021, 01:24:26 PM
Tip: When you use the <Tab> or <Shift>+<Tab> key to navigate between faces, the selected face label is brought into the foreground and the Tag property in the annotation panel shows the tag of that person.

This is very helpful when the people are far enough apart. If the people stand very close together or behind each other, the selected face labels overlap and the highlighted label is hardly recognizable.

Face recognition in IMatch works great. It is the best I have come across so far. But still, after face recognition in images with similar people, there are sometimes
wrong assignments. I think this is not a bug and also not avoidable. But that means manual rework again and again which can be very time-consuming.

I realize that the realization of such a feature is costly.
But maybe it can be realized in connection with other changes or improvements.

I will make a feature request. Maybe there will be a possibility to implement it someday.



Quote from: frankdarwin on August 30, 2021, 08:33:54 PM
Face recognition in IMatch works great. It is the best I have come across so far.

Please shout out. Let others know about IMatch.
I've spent more than a year and thousands of gray hairs on this the face AI alone...