Abort at Renamer

Started by frankdarwin, September 11, 2021, 11:32:22 PM

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I had already pointed out several times in the past that IM terminates without any further message and without dump.
The answer to my messages was always that the problem is not with IM to search if there is no dump.
I searched for possible sources of error, but found nothing.
I know Windows quite well, but unfortunately my knowledge is not sufficient to find the reason for the terminations of IM.
My media was on a NAS. To rule out problems caused by the network (response times, etc.) I copied all media to a local SSD drive.
As a result, I haven't had any crashes for 3 days.
Today I started to rename files with the Renamer.
Now IM aborts whenever I rename the files and exit the renamer.
A recent log file is attached.
I have excluded all relevant programs and directories from scanning in my virus scanner (ESET).
After a break of one year I decided to use IM again because of the new version 2021. IM is basically a great program and the community is very active. Not to mention Mario's dedication.
But if I have to restart the program after every 2nd or 3rd action I perform because of an unexplained termination, I'll never finish my work and have to seriously consider switching back to another program.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone in the community has any ideas where else I can look.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


When you say "IMatch aborts", what does this mean, exactly?

Does IMatch show an error message?
Does Windows show an error message?
Does IMatch just close?

No DUMP file being generated at all, neither by IMatch nor by Windows?

Looking at the log file, I see a ton of ExifTool warnings like

Warning: Error rebuilding maker notes (may be corrupt)
Duplicate MakerNoteUnknown tag in ExifIFD
Warning: [minor] Unrecognized MakerNotes

and this repeats over and over for the files in the log file.

Then the log file ends. No error messages from IMatch, no exception thrown, nothing.
This is also a super-small database which causes no stress or memory issues.

Which virus checker do you use?

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Hello Mario,
here are the answers to your questions:

  • Does IMatch show an error message? No
  • Does Windows show an error message? No
  • Does IMatch just close? No
  • No DUMP file being generated at all, neither by IMatch nor by Windows? Yes
  • Which virus checker do you use? ESET Smart Security

It seems that the error was mine.
In my Virus Checker I had stored a wrong path for the database. I have corrected that.

Now I have worked several times with the renamer and there have been no more aborts so far!


It may also be useful to mark the IMatch executable as an exception in case you run into similar issues.
Virus checkers (except Windows Defender) become more of a pest that a cure in recent time.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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