Problem with date change

Started by mopperle, September 23, 2021, 09:50:44 PM

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I have the following situation:
- old scanned slides named yyyy-mm-dd....... like 1981-01-01....
I have created a meta template that sets the create date (Erstellungsdatum) according to the first 10 characters as above.
When I apply the template, the date is set correct but when I write the metadata it jumps back to the old value (see screenshot 1).
Strange thing, it worked in the past.

Then I tried the TimeWiz, but it counts hours and jumps to the next day and there is in inconsisteny to what is shown in the thumbnail and in the metadata (see screenshot 2)

Did I miss something?


Sounds like you have mismatched data in the file.. did you try running the metadata analyst app on the file to see if there are any errors or warnings?


1. Keep in mind that the date and time format you have to produce is YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss, see Use the Correct Format. Not using - or other separator characters as you do.

2. Check your file in the Metadata Analyst for problems with date and times


I also use a template to set date from filename. But I found you have to set two dates as shown
to trigger the proper update of dependent dates.And format the date/time properly!
I add hours minutes to give me a hint on how this was set.

My setting are shown.


You don't have to set both timestamps, usually you set only date subject created (when the create date already exists).

Writing both does not harm, though.
Especially if the file has linked timestamps in EXIF or legacy IPTC, writing both timestamps once via IMatch pushes the changes through to all linked tags, establishing the proper synchronization. Especially if your camera vendor did not really care of you have used software which only bothers to update some tags they "support".

But you have to produce the correct YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss format (which is make explicitly clear in the help for Metadata Panels!)
If something does not work after write-back, you have to check the existing metadata in the file (legacy IPTC, EXIF, ...) which may interfere under some conditions.

If the problem persists after marking both timestamps in the MD panel as changes (click the pen) and writing back a second time, the metadata in the file has a problem and then further analysis is needed.


@ubacher: You gave me the necessary hint. There is a dependancy between "DateCreated" And "CreateDate" I do not understand.
(1) When I fill those fields with the string {File.Name|substr:0,10}, both fields are written with the same date, although the CreateDate is not the date I want to see
(2) But when I use {File.Created} for the CreateDate and {File.Name|substr:0,10} for DateCreated, it shows the correct values when applying the template (see screenshot), but when writing it, it sets both fields to actual date and time.
And this got nothing to do with the format, otherwise (1) wouldnt work too.
So what kind of depandcy is between CreateDate and DateCreated?


Regarding the question in your attached image "how does this correlate?":

The date you see in "Erstellungsdatum"/"Date Subject Created" is explicitely set to UTC with time zone +00:00. This is the correct date of the image. The date you see in the thumbnails is the same date but adjusted to your local time zone, at the time you are viewing the thumbnail.

So in this case your local time zone today seems to be +02:00 (Germany in summertime?) and the shown time is 1981-01-26 00:00:00(+02:00) which equals what you see in the metadata panel - 1981-01-25 22:00:00(+00:00). The way of entering a time zone value may sometimes seem a bit backwards, but that is the standard.

I will try to create a custom thumbnail layout that shows time without adjustment to the computer time zone. I find the default way confusing too, but I can see that it could make sense to choose one time zone to use for displayed time for all thumbnails, and then the computer time (default) is an OK choice. Personally, I'd like to see the local time at the location the image was taken, possibly also the time zone if that would fit, or a color coding that indicates capture local time, computer local time, or unknown time zone.

ubacher's advice would solve the sorting order in the file viewer using the default capture date. However, it would set the Erstellungsdatum and Digitalisieringsdatum to the same value which is not what you want for scanned images, I presume? I haven't tried it myself but I think there is a way of setting a custom sorting rule to sort your images following Erstellungsdatum rather than Digitalisierungsdatum, which makes more sense to me.


Quotewhich is not what you want for scanned images, I presume?
Exactly! But finally this is not so nice, but a minor issue, I can live with.


See also How IMatch uses Date and Time Information which explains about how IMatch derives the {File.DateTime}, how you control whether or not the local time-zone is applied, how different metadata formats deal with date and time data etc. This is is a very important topic to read, especially when you change metadata timestamps manually.