People View: Make Groups more visible

Started by voronwe, September 23, 2021, 01:36:00 PM

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Currently in the people group, the People are only sorted by the "Sort-by" flag (which is probably set to LastName-FirstName)
However, after a while you can get confused by many names.
You can add a person to a group, but this is reflected only by a color around the persons Image.

Things which I currently can not find, but would be nice to have:

- Add the name of the group to the person (I usually can not remember which color is for which group) -> see Attachment
- Display a list of used groups and have the possibilty to select which to show (1-> all)
- Have a view where the persons are displayed in a tree:


You can use the SortBy property for persons to produce any sort order you like.
E.g. Set it to <Group Name>-<Last Name>-<First Name> to sort your persons by group, last name, first name. Adjust as needed.


Forgot to add: The People feature is not finished. I will enhance this for a future version. Maybe IMatch 2022  ;D