Location for the configuration of the events

Started by frankdarwin, October 10, 2021, 09:04:09 PM

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Where are the settings for events stored?
In the database or the IMatch configuration?


Which settings, there are lots of event-related settings, per user, per app, per database, ...
Why do you want to know such technical details?


I have installed IMatch on a Virtual Windows 10 system (Microsoft Hyper-V) for testing purposes.
Because I can reset this VM to a previous state very quickly, I can safely try out anything I want.
The test database and media are on a network drive and not affected by the VM's snapshots.
In a test, I created an event and experimented with it.
After that, I exited IMatch, took a snapshot of the VM, and did other work in the VM.
A day later, I reset the VM to the previous day's state (with the events I had created) and found that the events were no longer there.
Now the question for me is, what do I have to backup everything, so that I also have the events after a reset of the system to an old state again.


You need to restore the database and the IMatch settings database of course.