[GERMAN]: Zeitzonenangabe im Metadatenpanel vs. Thumbnail

Started by HaWo, October 06, 2021, 11:47:11 AM

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Im Metadatenpanel darf lt. Hilfe die Zeitzone geändert werden. Wenn ich das tue, erhalte ich aber im Thumb andere Std-Angaben als ich erwartet habe.

Verwendete Tags:
Erstelldatum: XMP::photoshop\DateCreate\DateCreate\0
Thumbdatum  : Datum & Zeit  (aus dem Layout Editor)

Metadatenzeit     Thumb-Std          Erwartete
Basiszeit             Ist-Anzeige          Anzeige
10:59:40               10                       10
10:..   +01:00        11         10 + 1 = 11   
10:..   +02:00        10         10 + 2 = 12
10:..   +03:00        09         10 + 3 = 13
10:..   +00:00        12         10 + 0 = 10

Wegen der Übersicht sind oben nur Stunden angegeben.

Stutzig macht mich das schon, nur kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass IMatch Murks macht.
Mache ich einen Denkfehler?
Verwende ich falsche Tags?

Die Eingabe von 00:00 (oder Z) scheint ein Sonderfall zu sein.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich die Hilfe richtige verstehe. Wird die lokale Zeit gegenüber UTC von IMatch automatisch erkannt und im Sommer auf 2 Std. früher gesetzt?




Ich habe es verstanden - aber schon ein bisschen verwickt.   ::)


Datums- und Zeitangaben sind immer kompliziert.
IMatch nutzt seit IMatch 3 die lokale Zeit für den globalen Zeitstempel und das muss aus Kompatibilitätsgründen auch so bleiben.


I understand the local time zone is used for the global time stamp that is used to sort images. But does that make it impossible to display the time adjusted for the time zone in xmp metadata/imatch database, when available? Are there performance issues with doing such a database lookup?

In addition to the metadata panel difference noted by TS, I find it so confusing that the display time in the file window changes when daylight saving time kicks in, and that 12 at night new years eve is shifted one hour when viewed in summer. For me, intuitively it feels like something is wrong with my files' times, and I have a hard time shaking that confusion even when I know the explanation.

If there is something that can be done about this, it would be great if it would happen. I have seen several queries related to this in just a few weeks time, so I and TS are not alone :) I'll formulate a feature request if it is not ruled out for technical reasons.


Well, it turns out it is super easy to set the metadata variable "Original Date/Time" or "Date Subject Created" (setting the latter automatically turns into the former) as the time to display in the file window layout. No feature change/addition needed :).

I am not sure if this was what TS wanted (my German is shaky), but for me it does the trick, and the wealth of customization means I can probably get date and time displayed just like I need. I guess "Date Subject Created" is not always filled, and then it could be good to use the File.DateTime that is always available. Next I'll investigate if I can use expressions to automatically fall back to File.DateTime if Date Subject Created is not available.


Please see How IMatch uses Date and Time Information for answers to your questions.
Date subject created is always filled, even when IMatch has to use the fall-backs described in the above document.


I have read that help topic so many times and yet I missed that section of it  :-[ XMP Timestamps