searching for some evaluated tags from exiftool.exe in imatch

Started by spiff, October 07, 2021, 09:54:36 PM

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if exiftool.exe reads out my picture it finds tags like "Device Manufacturer" or "Profile Copyright". See attachement. I try to filter the contents of the tags in imatch but could not find the tags. What is the reason?


Check the Metadata panel in browser mode to find all tags IMatch has imported for your files.
Else, learn more in The Tag Manager

This looks like some section taken from an ICC profile? Your screen shot tells us almost nothing. No tags shown, no groups shown. Hard to tell, and I don't know all of the over 15,000 tags supported by name.


I also had this issue. Problem is that exiftool per default groups different manufacturer tags under virtual tag: "MakerNotes" and so on.
The solution is to run exiftool with option "-X" (=XML format). For better overview I also add "-s" (=short output format).

Then the exiftool output will look like this (here e.g. under Olympus, per default not visible and grouped under MakerNotes):

Olympus:FocalPlaneDiagonal='21.6 mm'
Olympus:LensType='Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro'

In addition, to find out the TagID (cannot be combined with "-X" -> you have to run it separately), you can run with options "-G" (=show group name in front of each tag) and -D (=show decimal value for tag)
The same values above will then look like

[MakerNotes]      259 Focal Plane Diagonal            : 21.6 mm
[MakerNotes]      260 Body Firmware Version           : 1.300
[MakerNotes]      513 Lens Type                       : Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro

Assuming we're looking for "Lens Type" in Imatch we use the output from first command:
In IMatch Tag Selector you then can find those by searching for "Group Name Contains": "Olympus" and "Tag name contains": "LensType"
Sometimes you will find more than one tag returned, so you can narrow it down by the decimal number (513) in our case:

If those are very special Tags, it might be that iMatch does not import them by default.
To be cross-checked / adjusted in Preferences-> Metadata 2 -> Tag Manager
Make sure that the Tag Groups you're looking for are also checked here so iMatch will import its data.

E.g. for Olympus iMatch has different sub-groups, like Main, CameraSettings:

Here I did not yet find out how to output them with exiftool.


Just a short update: with -G you can specify the sub-groups too: -G1, -G2 or combine them: -G1:4:5
When using exiftool with paramters: "-G1:3:7 -s" it will look like this:

[Olympus:Main:ID-259] FocalPlaneDiagonal        : 21.6 mm
[Olympus:Main:ID-260] BodyFirmwareVersion       : 1.300
[Olympus:Main:ID-513] LensType                  : Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro

Now you have all info with one command...



Mario, I still have something I don't understand.
Using those values as example (but that applies for all the other makers too):

exiftool.exe -G0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7 -s filename.orf |findstr -i 769
[MakerNotes:Olympus:Camera:Main:ORF-IFD0-ExifIFD-MakerNotes-MakerNotes:int8u:ID-769] Extender: None
[MakerNotes:Olympus:Camera:Main:ORF-IFD0-ExifIFD-MakerNotes-MakerNotes:int16u:ID-769] FocusMode: Continuous AF; C-AF, Imager AF
[MakerNotes:Olympus:Camera:Main:ORF-IFD0-ExifIFD-MakerNotes-MakerNotes:int16u:ID-769] FocusStepCount: 4872

The matching tags in Imatch are:

I understand how to get all the information needed to find the correct iMatch tag, except those sub-groups like Equipment, CameraSettings and FocusInfo above.

When I run exiftool with -v option I see those subgroups there:

Quote| | | 3)  EquipmentIFD (SubDirectory) -->
  | | | + [MakerNotes directory with 26 entries]
  | | | | 0)  EquipmentVersion = 0100
  | | | | 17) Extender = 0 0 0 0 0 0

  | | | 4)  CameraSettingsIFD (SubDirectory) -->
  | | | + [MakerNotes directory with 90 entries]
  | | | | 0)  CameraSettingsVersion = 0100
  | | | | 10) FocusMode = 2 68

  | | | 7)  FocusInfoIFD (SubDirectory) -->
  | | | + [MakerNotes directory with 102 entries]
  | | | | 0)  FocusInfoVersion = 0100
  | | | | 28) FocusStepCount = 4872

My question:
is there an exiftool command that can be used to produce an output of tag that looks similar to the iMatch tags (contains all same infos)?
That would make matching exiftool output to iMatch tags much easier...


IMatch uses the XML output from ExifTool and the -f -t -l -listx -use MWG group and tag names.
Do you have the display groups and tag ids enabled in the Tag Manager? => Display group ids and tag keys

I don't work with obscure vencor-specific maker notes that often, and ExifTool makes up the names and sometimes even changes them, when new info becomes available for Phil.
And tags containing numbers are always to be considered as volatile (the numbers may change with later ExifTool updates).

I suggest you ask Olympus to just write the proper lens data into the XMP record for the image. This would solve many problems.



thank you for your help, i did it this night but i needed hours. Thanks to your help i am able to reach the goal much earlier next time. I also created a category to filter pictures for it and a user defined panel in Metadatapanel.

In also use mft bodys (GX9 / E-M1 II). I develop Panasonic RAW with silkypix. Sometimes i need to know if the Version is out of the cam or developed with Silkypix. For this i searched for tags were Silkypix leaves traces and i can filter it. The only few i found are ICC tags like " ICC_Profile:ProfileCopyright='Copyright (c) Ichikawa Soft Laboratory'". It´s done now. Thank you very much!


IMatch uses the XML output from ExifTool and the -f -t -l -listx -use MWG group and tag names.
I tried that and that was a 13MB output textfile  8)

QuoteDo you have the display groups and tag ids enabled in the Tag Manager? => Display group ids and tag keys
Thanks, no that was not enabled. Makes it easier to match them to the ones from Tag Selector

What I will do now in future to find an exiftool tag in iMatch:

exiftool.exe -G1:3:7 -s filename

Then output will look like this:

[Olympus:Main:ID-259] FocalPlaneDiagonal        : 21.6 mm
[Olympus:Main:ID-260] BodyFirmwareVersion       : 1.300
[Olympus:Main:ID-513] LensType                  : Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro

Staying with the example above:
In IMatch Tag Selector search for "Group Name Contains": "Olympus" and "Tag name contains": "LensType"
In case I find multiple matching Tags I verify this by the ID (513 in this example).

If I still have problems (which I doubt) I run this command and identify the detailed group name:

exiftool.exe -X -f -t -l -listx -use MWG filename > outputfile.txt

Then I search this file for "Description et:id='513'". When I only search for "Lens Type", this will give back 77 hits, e.g. also that "Lens Type" in finnish is: "Objektiivityyppi"  8)
-> here I have the 'Olympus::Equipment' info.
  <rdf:Description et:id='513' et:table='Olympus::Equipment'>
   <et:desc>Lens Type</et:desc>
   <et:prt>Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS Pro</et:prt>
   <et:val>0 26 10</et:val>


Quote from: abgestumpft on October 08, 2021, 03:04:33 PM
Just a short update: with -G you can specify the sub-groups too: -G1, -G2 or combine them: -G1:4:5
When using exiftool with paramters: "-G1:3:7 -s" it will look like this:

Which exiftool version do you use? I use the windows executable and colon is not allowed?


QuoteWhich exiftool version do you use? I use the windows executable and colon is not allowed?

For me it works with the one from iMatch (12.31):
"C:\Program Files\\imatch6\exiftool.exe" -G1:3:7 -s "P6040805.ORF"
[ExifTool:Main:ID-ExifToolVersion] ExifToolVersion: 12.31
[System:Main:ID-FileName] FileName              : P6040805.ORF

Quote. For this i searched for tags were Silkypix leaves traces and i can filter it. The only few i found are ICC tags like " ICC_Profile:ProfileCopyright='Copyright (c) Ichikawa Soft Laboratory'". It´s done now. Thank you very much!
Most of the software I use tags here, maybe this also applies for Silkypix?
Sometimes the Exif one, sometimes the XMP one, sometimes both. Did not understand when and why :-)