Next update ETA

Started by ThomasAdams, October 22, 2021, 09:17:18 PM

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Pardon me for asking, I realize it is at times frowned upon, is there an ETA on the next patch to IMatch that includes a fix I am looking forward to so I can correct file naming?



The last update was released about 3 weeks ago. I aim at shipping updates every six to eight weeks.
Which bug fix you are looking for? There seems to be nothing serious on the list...?


I suppose you refer to your earlier post "File Renamer not reading NEF EXIF Sub-Second data"?
I do not have many NEF files, but it looks to me as if there might be a temporary workaround for your Renamer issue: Use a "Text and Variables" step instead of the "Sub-seconds in SS format" and put in the following tag:
In my tests, this seems to work.

Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Mario and thrinn,

Mario, Thrinn had the correct one and thank you Thrinn! I will try his work around on a bath I believe that looks like the original one I used to use



It appears that it will drop the proceeding zero's, I tried this and it looks to be working:


I appreciate the suggestion Thrinn, I hadn't thought of that which is a big oversight on my part. Thank you!