linking one ore more persons - do not automatically close the dialog

Started by spiff, November 22, 2021, 12:48:48 AM

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the list of proposals (person name in blue) is a welcom help if i have to link more than one persons manualy. unfortunately the dialog closes after each selected person automatically. So i have to open the dialog again and again until i manualy linked all persons. I see no benefit in that behaviour. Please let me pick up as much persons as i want and let me close the dialog just with return.

+ please enable deleting manually linked persons out of the dialog. Because sometimes i choose the false person, to delete it i have to open the file in the viewer, unwanted time invest.


The sole purpose of this new shortcut list is to quickly link a file to a person - hence the dialog closes automatically when you click on one of these links.
If you want to assign one or more persons, use the check box list as before. Click all persons you want to assign/remove and then click on OK. IMatch offers both methods, use the one that works best for you.

QuoteBecause sometimes i choose the false person, to delete it i have to open the file in the viewer, unwanted time invest.

To remove a linked person, use the Unlink Person command: Ctrl+M, U (see Unlinking Persons from Files)


Undo [Strg + m, u]:
At least the algorithm in the dialog should propose only those people who are assigned to the picture. But it does not. Also the undo operation seems not to work out of the gallery, it is not able to load the person list.


The unlink dialog only shows the persons linked to the file in the list.
It does not limit the list at the bottom, if this is what you mean and what confuses you.
That is a negligible oversight on my part and I shall change this in a future release next year.


I have resolved the issue with the list for the next release (now showing only the linked persons in both the list box and the pick list at the bottom).

I have also extended the functionality of the pick list to make it even more useful.
If you hold down <Ctrl>, you can click multiple persons on the list to assign/un-assign them. And then click OK or the last person without <Ctrl> to apply the changes and close the dialog.
