File can not be deleted

Started by frankdarwin, December 08, 2021, 10:30:13 PM

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I am trying to delete the file "Signature Frank-1.jpg" in IMatch. But this fails because IMatch gives the error message in the attachment "Fehlermeldung.jpg".

The error occurs even after restarting IMatch.

The file window of IMatch does not show that the file is write protected (see attachment "Screenshot File Window.jpg").

Then I used the Windows program "openfiles" to display all files that are opened by a program. From the log (see attachment "files mit IMatch.txt" and "Suchergebnis IMatch läuft in files.txt.jpg") it appears that IMatch itself has opened the file. At this time IMatch was started.

Then I stopped IMatch and started the "openfiles" program again. This time the file was no longer open (see attachment "files ohne IMatch.txt" and "Suchergebnis IMatch läuft nicht in files.txt.jpg".

The file properties in Windows Explorer show that the file is not write protected.

The IMatch log file is in the attachment "imatch_log20211208.txt".

All attachments are in the file "Error delete".

What is the problem?


Windows has returned an error message while IMatch was trying to delete the file.
1000 possible reasons. Did you check the IMatch log file? It should contain the error message returned to IMatch by Windows when IMatch asked Windows to delete the file.
The log file you've attached shows no attempt of IMatch deleting a file. None of the deletion functions are run.


The problem has been identified and fixed.
After extensive testing, I have determined the following:

1. I could move, delete and rename the affected files in Windows Explorer without any problems.

2. the affected files were neither read-only nor locked in any other way.

3. the error also occurred when I cataloged the affected files in a different or new IMatch database. So not a database problem.

4. I could edit the affected files in other programs without any problems .

All this led to only one conclusion: the problem must be in the files themselves.

All the affected files were downloads from Telegram or WhatsApp.

I solved the problem by opening all the files in PaintShop Pro and writing them back without any changes.

However, it is still a mystery to me what actually happened.
What the heck is different about images I download from Telegram or WhatsApp as JPG files than other images?

As my tests have shown, the problem must be in the image itself.

I would be very grateful if anyone has an explanation.


Windows may mark files downloaded from Internet sources and you may need to "unlock" them in Windows Explorer via the "Unlock" option.

External source: