Spray tool

Started by frlindla, December 04, 2021, 10:18:57 AM

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In LR there is a spray tool for adding keywords and other metadata. That looks very nice. Could this be something for Imatch?


Please provide details of how you see this as a benefit.

IMatch works with selections.
You select the files you want to work with and then use keyword shortcuts or menu commands to apply rating, label, keyword or whatever.

The spray can in Lr e.g. allows you to change the label of files by a) selecting the label from a drop-down menu and then dragging the mouse of the files you want to change the label, right?

Or when you want to spray keywords, you first must type in the keywords you want to "spray" and then you need to move the mouse over the files you want to apply the keywords.
In IMatch you select the files and then then enter one or more keywords in the Keywords panel. Or you click them from the thesaurus, the recent list, the auto-suggestions.
If you use Favorites or keyword links, you can assign 5, 10 or 100 keywords by adding just one keyword!

I don't really see an efficiency benefit for the spray can.

In IMatch you have metadata templates (to add keywords any any other metadata to one or more files).
You can copy & paste metadata via the Metadata Panel Copy & Paste.
You can copy metadata in a controlled fashion via the Copy Attributes command.
The Keyword panels offers myriads of ways to assign keywords, including synonyms.
Using keyword links you can add one, five or 100 keywords by just adding one keyword.
You can assign keywords via Favorites.
You can apply the same set of keywords to any number of files by selecting the file and then clicking the keywords you want to add/remove in the Keywords panel.

Are you aware of all these productivity and time-saver features yet?
They are much more efficient as the rather simple spray can in Lr - IMHO.

Let me know where you see a benefit of duplicating the spray can feature in IMatch (assuming that Adobe has not patented spray cans yet).


When i switched from LR to Imatch in 2017 i really missed the spray can and asked for it. Please see:
But Mario did not see the benefit. I still miss the tool today. And i think this is a rare point about image managing where imatch can not hold up with LR.


What does the spray can do IMatch cannot do? Better or quicker? Please let me know.
I've just looked at the spray can in the latest Lr version again, and I find it pretty clumsy...

I mean, clicking spray, selecting label, entering the name of the label, just to add a label to all selected files?
IMatch offers the same via the context menu, the label bar drop-down menu and keyboard shortcuts.
Same for all other "spray" options.

I use Lr regularly, but I have never used the spray can. Lr offers much faster methods to achieve the same.