Add filter in Dashboard for Files with Problems: Files without thumbnails

Started by jch2103, December 15, 2021, 11:16:07 PM

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In my database, the only files that appear in the Dashboard 'Files with Problems: Files without thumbnails' are .zip files. I understand why they appear there (they don't have thumbnails) but it would be useful to be able to exclude them via a filter from the problem results. That way, only 'real' problems would be listed.

Mario has noted that 'The same is true for text files, code files, HTML files and other formats which have natively no thumbnail.' However, these other file types don't show up in the 'Problems' listing even though they exist in my database. A filter should likely allow any/all of these to be excluded from the 'Problems' list.



I my dashboard "files without thumbnails" are e.g. files with

and I am sure, others have also more endings.

Hence I would also like to have such a filter.
Good idea.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



John - I read your post, and support this feature request. 


Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Files listed in the without thumbnail indicates all files which don't have a thumbnail.
This does (in most cases) not indicate a problem with the file. Text files, vector files which Windows could not process via the installed shell handler, html files and suchlike show up here.
This is normal when you manage non-image files in IMatch. I have plenty of these in my databases.

IMatch lists all files which are tagged with the "render" attribute in the config file but failed to produce a thumbnail of sorts.

For .zip and .7z files this tag was set incorrectly, I have corrected that for the next release. My bad, sorry.
When you add new zip/7z files or force an update of existing archives the "failed" flag is removed and the files will vanish from this statistic.

Files which failed to read or write metadata are listed separately. And these are the files you should look into.

I see that this is something many people are interested in. So I'm also interested in this.

How many of the files listed as 'without thumbnail' in your database should have produced a thumbnail but did not? Aka files with real issues?
Do these files also show up in the Metadata read error list on your system?

For implementing this change I would estimate about 2 works days, so...


Quote from: Mario on December 16, 2021, 03:31:23 PM
For .zip and .7z files this tag was set incorrectly, I have corrected that for the next release. My bad, sorry.
Thank you!


+1  !
My files with no thumbnail are:
.gpx , .zip


Looks like the more Mario gives us the more we want: we didn't have dashboard last year!


Quote from: Aubrey on December 19, 2021, 03:06:37 PM
+1  !
My files with no thumbnail are:
.gpx , .zip

.zip is now handled properly (see my comment above).
GPX is not a standard format so this cannot be configured centrally.
Which class did you choose when adding the GPX extension as a user-defined format?

Quote from: Aubrey on December 19, 2021, 03:06:37 PM
Looks like the more Mario gives us the more we want: we didn't have dashboard last year!

That's OK. IMatch is developed in close cooperation with the user base. I'm happy to learn what users need and then add it (if feasible).
And this FR board quickly shows which features are in real demand (longer discussions or many +1 in a short time) or which are a nice-to-have or one-or-a-handful-of-users only.


I have added a feature which allows you to exclude certain formats from being listed in the files without thumbnails action.
This is based on standard IMatch regular expressions.
To exclude Corel CDR files, use the regexp \.cdr. To exclude multiple formats, use something like \.(cdr|ind|gpx).

#1614 in the


That is great, Mario!!!

Thanks a lot and congratulations.
Phew, if I think back at IMatch, hmm, say 15 years ago, it is a great program now! Better and better.

This means not, that IMatch in early years was not good!
Hmm, reminds me, when I said to my wife "you look so beautiful like never" .... very dangerous water.  :o 8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



Quote from: Mario on December 19, 2021, 03:50:05 PM

Which class did you choose when adding the GPX extension as a user-defined format?

Looks like I missed replying to this message (for some reason "notify is not working into my gmail account).

For gpx using class: "Auxillary file"

I've just looked at Dashboard: files without thumbnail is working nicely, .gpx and .zip gone - I've now found 362 files without thumbnails (.htm, .html, .js files) I think some housekeeping is required!


Quote from: Aubrey on January 20, 2022, 11:01:46 AM
... (for some reason "notify is not working into my gmail account).

That's a known problem with Google Mail. They delete more and more emails, blocking larger and larger IP ranges. And they do that without telling their users that they have deleted emails!
Google "ad partners" and big companies are whitelisted, but small domains like are not.
There is nothing I can do about this, Google does not provide contacts for asking for whitelists or anything.

But, then, gmail is free, so who can complain?
Have gmail users ever wondered why Google is giving them an email address for free...?

