allow larger map fonts

Started by chupacabra, December 16, 2021, 03:01:11 AM

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I brought up a map based on GPS coords in my image and the text labels for the locations shown nearby are pretty small. I'd like to see imatch allow larger fonts as an option. See example attached. In the attached screen capture, the map is zoomed in as far as it will go and the name of the church near the GPS coords in small and a little hard to read.


Looks like you are using the free OpenStreetMap maps, correct?

OSM delivers tiles (bitmaps) with all the info. The fonts are rendered by the OSM tile server, not by IMatch.
Do change the font size I would have to setup and maintain and pay for my own tile server, which is not something I plan to do.


I find this annoing, too, but I know is by the OpenStreetMap map motor.
Maybe someone has an idea to overcome this.


There is no practical way to deal with this with OpenLayers. It's just how tile servers work.
Think about them as pre-fab bitmaps which are rendered once.

I've tried various things with scales and transforms in HTML, but that only scaled the images, rendering the fonts even less readable.

If you find this disturbing, use Google Maps, HERE Maps or Bring Maps. They have clearer fonts and scale better.
For normal personal use, the monthly free quota of these services should be more than sufficient.