Folder nav appeared strange after 'Rescan now'

Started by birdbrain, December 23, 2021, 04:45:37 PM

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Reporting a (hopefully) minor bug.

I have a folder ("2021") with 7 subfolders.  I did "Recan now" on the parent folder and what appeared in IMatch was:

Parent folder, with 3 of the sub-folders beneath
Parent folder again, with the remaining 4 sub-folders and each of these appeared twice.

Double-checked in Windows Explorer and all seemed well there.  Closed, then re-opened IMatch, and it looked perfect, i.e., parent folder & 7 subs.

So I have no worries, but reporting this in case there are deeper consequences than I can see.

From the "how to report a bug"...

A copy of the log file taken right after IMatch crashed or using the Copy Application Log File command in the Help menu.  See the Beta Tester Guide in the IMatch help for details.
No crash, so not submitting

A detailed description of the steps required to reproduce the problem.
1. I had a folder I absent-mindedly moved in Windows.  I used "Relocate" to set things right.  It was a peer of the parent folder described above.
2. I then did the steps above.
3. I took no other steps in IMatch, before or after, that I can recall.

Did the problem happen only once or can you reproduce the bug at will?
Only once, so far.

If IMatch did show an error message, the text of that message.
No messages or any other unusual behavior.

One or more screen shots.
Snippets attached: Two snippets before closing IMatch, with odd appearance; one after re-opening IMatch, when all looked well. (Did not send via email as I don't feel they expose personally identifiable info).

If the problem always happens with a specific file, I will need a copy of that file (image, document).
Can supply, if need be.

If the problem is related to ExifTool (reading or writing metadata), the contents of the ExifTool output panel will be very helpful.
I saw no metadata issues.  Indeed everything seems perfectly in order after closing, then re-opening IMatch.

Anything else you consider useful for me to understand and reproduce the problem on one of my PC's.
Parent folder is empty and contains only subfolders.  Also, a small number of files in the subfolders were HEIC. All other photos in IMatch are JPG. First time I have used HEIC format in IMatch.


This has been fixed already for the next release (ghost folder).
Click into the folder tree and press <F5> to reload the tree if this happens again.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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