Keywords->Furniture (3 Instances)

Started by Darius1968, December 26, 2021, 09:28:25 AM

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This screenshot...

...shows three instances of the keyword:"Furniture".  And, each one has children, but that doesn't necessarily mean that each "Furniture" parent  has the same children. 

Of these three parents, only @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photos Composition|WHAT|Furniture is the legitimate parent. 

So, what I want to do is simple:  I just want the children of the other two "Furniture" parents to be relocated.  Such that they will now reside under @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photos Composition|WHAT|Furniture. 

It doesn't seem that I can do a simple cut-and-paste of the child categories.  Because, some of the children are the same, and some are different.  This would surely complicate matters. 

So, what are my options to achieve my goal? 


If you change the keywords in your files, the @Keywords will follow automatically.
Select the files with the wrong keyword. Remove keyword. Add correct keyword. Repeat.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I'm not sure that you really specifically understand my question. 

Yeah.  I know that changing the keywords will cause @Keywords to be updated.
However, this would mean having to change the keywords, on a one-by-one basis.  Which would mean manual labor for over 600 files. 
The only problem I have is that the fully-qualified path from @Keywords to Furniture, for two out of three occurrences, must be changed, and I can't use cut-and-paste for that. 
So, is there any other way? 


I do not fully understand your question.

But you can select several fies to delele some keywords or change them, so that 600 files to change would not take a lot time.
Although as I wrote, I do not understand fully.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


To understand my question, you have to examine carefully my screenshot:
In the screenshot, there are - under @Keywords - three (3) "Furniture" Keywords:

  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photo Composition|WHAT|Furniture|(sub-categories)
  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photo Composition|WHERE|Indoors|Furniture|(sub-categories)
  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|Furniture|(sub-categories)

Now, 1., 2., 3. all have subcategories - Some are the same; Some are different. 
Only the first branch (1.) is the correct one.
Therefore, I need to move 2. and 3. to be underneath 1. 
Because of the sub-categories, I cant just cut-and-past, because there would be a clash.  So, I would have to assign one-by-one.  But, I'm looking for a quicker alternative. 

Is this question now clear? 


Only 600 files? That should take a minute or two.
See The @Keywords Category and Frequent Keyword Tasks for some additional pointers.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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What I do not unterstand, if 50 files has different keywords, and only 1 of these keys are identical, you can simply, than you can simply select all 50 files, and in the keyword-panel you see, what keyword this is (not in italic style).

Then you delets only this keyword (right click and delete) an all 50 keys are gone, but all others are still there. You can also then add the correct keyword or what ever.

Somewhere is a border, but I believe you can this do with several files, 100 for sure, so that this task is done quite quickly. I am not on the IMatch-machine, but I think, this should work.

And if I do not understand really your problem: SORRY!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I think that still my question is being misunderstood: 

Right now, I have:

  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photo Composition|WHAT|Furniture|(sub-categories) (6 files)
  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photo Composition|WHERE|Indoors|Furniture|(sub-categories) (611 files)
  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|Furniture|(sub-categories) (14 files)

What I want to have:

  • @Keywords|00_Private Keywords|_Photo Composition|WHAT|Furniture|(sub-categories) (roughly, 620 files)

So, looking at my screenshot, it can be seen that there are three "Furniture" branches.  I want to take the 2nd and 3rd branch, and move them under the 1st branch.  So, that what remains, is just that 1st branch, that has now acquired all the files that were in the 2nd and 3rd branches.  Can this be done?  If it can, then how do I do it? 


Select the files in 1,2,3
In KW panel, delete these keywords.
Add Keyword 4.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I am so so sorry that my question is still misunderstood! 

I'm not trying to add or delete any keywords.  I am merely trying to move a bunch of child-categories - from the parent categories of two branches - so that they are now underneath another parent. 

I would use cut-and-paste if they were all different category names.  Problem is that I would be trying to paste multiple categories as siblings of other categories with the same name.  And, AFAIK, IMatch would not permit that. 

So, what can I do? 


Child categories in @Keywords are produced from the actual keywords in your files.
You can also drag & drop categories in the Category View as explained in the help topics I linked to. This will also change the corresponding keywords in your files.
Usually a drag & drop op, creating a new @Keywords child and dragging files into it, changing keywords in the KW panel solves 100% of all use-cases.
If nothing of this works for you, I don't understand what you are trying to do or it is just impossible.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Well, let me try to put it this way:


--Furniture 1
--Furniture 2

So, I now have "Furniture 1" and "Furniture 2".  But, I want to make it so that I just have "Furniture 1".
I think, I will just select all of the six categories of "Table 2", Cut (Ctrl+x), select "Table 1", and finally, Paste (Ctrl+V). 
Problem is that I would be trying to paste new "Chair" and "Bed" categories underneath "Furniture 1".  I would expect that the operation would fail because I can't have more than one sibling category with the same name. 

I hope this all makes some sense.  If it does, how can I accomplish my goal? 


Have you tried it?
Make a copy of your database before so you are free to experiment.

I would select all files in Recliner, remove Furniture2|Recliner and add Furniture1|Recliner. Takes 5 seconds and problem is solved. Repeat for the couple of other categories.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Darius1968 on December 26, 2021, 03:37:26 PM
So, I now have "Furniture 1" and "Furniture 2".  But, I want to make it so that I just have "Furniture 1".
I think, I will just select all of the six categories of "Table 2", Cut (Ctrl+x), select "Table 1", and finally, Paste (Ctrl+V). 
Problem is that I would be trying to paste new "Chair" and "Bed" categories underneath "Furniture 1".  I would expect that the operation would fail because I can't have more than one sibling category with the same name. 

I hope this all makes some sense.  If it does, how can I accomplish my goal?

You want to select all the files in the category "Furniture 2|Couch", and then using the Keyword panel add the keyword "Furniture 1|Couch" to all the selected files, and then remove the keyword "Furniture 2|Couch" from all the selected files. Repeat for the other subcategories. The @Keywords category will automatically update to reflect your changes.