Hierarchical keywords/dc:subject write sequence

Started by jch2103, January 16, 2022, 01:23:57 AM

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I'm not sure if it's something I've done, but I find that when I've added hierarchical keywords to images, the 'write' pencil shows pending writes for both Hierarchical Keywords and Subject. That's what I would expect. However, after the write process completes, the images are marked again as pending, with Subject as the pending tag. I would have expected both tags would have been written during the same write process.

Is this 2-step process unavoidable, or have I perhaps set some preference in a less than optimal way?

It does seen to happen when I have a combination of raw and jpg versions, not when all the images are jpg.


The usual reason for this are out-of-sync keywords between flat IPTC/XMP keywords and hierarchical XMP keywords.
Then IMatch might need two write-back/import cycles to unify the flat and hierarchical keywords. The details sometimes vary, but its usually that.

See also the corresponding section Files Pending Again After Write-Back in Metadata Problems and Pitfalls