Setting up file relations for versions

Started by DigPeter, January 16, 2022, 02:08:01 PM

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I tried file relations when they were first introduced to IM, but adopted a workflow that did not need them.  Since the problem with DxO's handling of Metadata appeared ( ) ,  I have been trying to use file relations again, but cannot get them to work.

My raw and original jpeg files are download onto an external drive G.  The converted/processed files are exported to MyPictures on the internal drive C.  The attached shows the file relations definition I am trying to use.  The help page shows @Keywords in the version tab, but this is not visible in my example.

Where am I going wrong?


It is not really clear for me what problem you are encountering.
Versions not found?
Propagation problems?

1. You make both CR3 and JPG files masters, this is surely not right? This rule makes IMatch consider every CR3 and JPG file as a master.
Probably you want to use \.cr3$  as your master expression.

2. You let IMatch search for versions in a specific folder on G:, and 4 levels deep. That's a lot.

Remember how this works:
When IMatch finds a file that may be a master (in your case, the CR3 file) it looks in the specified folder for matching versions.
If you keep masters and versions in the same folder, you only need to let IMatch search in the same folder it found the master. Not all over the G: disk.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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1.  Test in the set up window finds match for both CR3 and jpg files.  But refresh relations does not  copy metadata to the new exported files on C Drive.

2.  My originals are in the folder G/digitaloriginals.  This is structured into a hierarchy: year, month, day, which is 4 levels.  I prefer to keep originals in a folder separate from other versions.

I use jpeg files as originals from cameras that do not cameras shoot raw.


Quote from: DigPeter on January 16, 2022, 02:08:01 PM
The help page shows @Keywords in the version tab, but this is not visible in my example.
Where am I going wrong?
Do you mean you want to propagate Keywords? In this case you have to check the dedicated entry "XMP Keywords" in the "What to propagate" section (you have to scroll down until you find a whole bunch of XMP specific settings). Keywords are first and mainly keywords in your files, not exactly Categories. Only in many respects usable as such. IMatch does mirror these keywords as the @Keywords subtree in Categories (which makes life much easier in many respects), but always keep in mind that @Keywords categories are a bit special.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Also keep in mind that metadata propagation happens during write-back. Did you write-back the master?

QuoteI use jpeg files as originals from cameras that do not cameras shoot raw.

Using the same file extension for both masters and versions is potentially dangerous and requires great discipline with file naming and master / version storage. I don't recommend this.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: thrinn on January 16, 2022, 03:25:16 PM
Do you mean you want to propagate Keywords? In this case you have to check the dedicated entry "XMP Keywords" in the "What to propagate" section (you have to scroll down until you find a whole bunch of XMP specific settings). Keywords are first and mainly keywords in your files, not exactly Categories. Only in many respects usable as such. IMatch does mirror these keywords as the @Keywords subtree in Categories (which makes life much easier in many respects), but always keep in mind that @Keywords categories are a bit special.
Yes, I wish to propagate the categories from the master to the version.  I normally use @Keywords as categories, so need somehow to highlight this in versions panel.


Quote from: Mario on January 16, 2022, 03:30:19 PM
Also keep in mind that metadata propagation happens during write-back. Did you write-back the master?

QuoteUsing the same file extension for both masters and versions is potentially dangerous and requires great discipline with file naming and master / version storage. I don't recommend this.
That is part of my reasoning behind keeping originals on a separate drive.


Not shown in the attachments, "XMP without LR/camera raw data" is also checked, but not "Categories" at the top of the list. 


QuoteYes, I wish to propagate the categories from the master to the version.  I normally use @Keywords as categories, so need somehow to highlight this in versions panel.

@Keywords are special categories, they are dynamically produced from the keywords in your file (master and/or version).
To propagate keywords from master to version, enable the "XMP Keywords" entry in what to propagate.

You cannot propagate data-driven categories, including @Keywords.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Peter for what it's worth here is what I propagate from masters to versions and it works well for me.

XMP all Data
Don't copy XMP Orientation
EXIF without Orientation

What I'm doing may not work for you but maybe it'll give you a starting point.
