IMatch 2021.14.2 - Accent Colors?

Started by Darius1968, January 21, 2022, 03:32:57 AM

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As quoted in the release notes for IMatch 2021.14.2: 
QuoteAccent Colors #01632
IMatch uses accent colors in various dialogs, to accent or highlight something. Examples are the Variable Selector dialog or the data-driven preview dialog.

The colors used for these purpose were hard-coded before. Now they can be configured under Edit > Preferences > Application: Accent Colors.
Enhancement | #01632

I cannot find this new feature, as Edit>Preferences>Application: Accent Colors is apparently and seemingly nonexistent in this new release of IMatch. 
So, how do I access this new feature? 


I see it here:


Problem solved: 
Edit>Preferences>Application>"Show extended settings" was unchecked. 

