Web Site Redesign Complete

Started by Mario, February 20, 2022, 11:28:06 AM

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Check out the new redesigned web site and let me know what you think.
I created a design that's crisp, clear and privacy friendly. Less external dependencies, zero tracking - unless you watch YouTube videos in the Learning Center.
YouTube without tracking is impossible - it's the main business purpose of Google, after all.

The knowledge-base contents of the old site will be revisited and moved to become an integral part the IMatch Help System, where they belong.
I wrote these articles mostly to make Google happy - like many popular web sites these days are written - not necessarily for users, but for the Google Bot.
You can tell: These sites repeat the same words over and over in different arrangements, link to many external sites, use short sentences etc.

Since we now have the IMatch Help System online, I can integrate everything in one place. Google will find and index it and see the massive and useful content in the IMatch help.


Hi Mario,

for me, that is a really nice new design! I like it! And I like "privacy friendly" :-)


Yes. The old theme I've used insisted on Google fonts, contacted Dropbox (!) for checking that the theme is licensed etc. Sigh. of course has a cookie banner, privacy policy documents in English/Deutsch with 10 pages each etc.
But getting rid of any non-vital external resource/callback was important for me with the redesign. Ease of mind and all that.

This is actually quite hard to do - because many of the popular WordPress themes are designed for shopping, marketing or influencer web sites, where collecting as much data about the visitor and sending it everywhere is paramount and a major business goal. On the other hand, writing a theme myself which works across all platforms and browsers is would be much harder than using a popular theme which is actively maintained and supported.


But I saw one very minor "typo":
On the drop-down menu under "Support," it says "Match Anywhere Learning Center" -- surely that should be "IMatch Anywhere"?
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: BanjoTom on February 20, 2022, 01:38:27 PM
But I saw one very minor "typo":
On the drop-down menu under "Support," it says "Match Anywhere Learning Center" -- surely that should be "IMatch Anywhere"?

Well spotted! Thank you. Fixed.


Modern, clear, tidy. Looks good. I really like it!

Quoteprivacy friendly
:-* :-* :-*



 Under "Privacy" on the website, it says:

QuoteA Few Personal Remarks...
This is a private web site of Mario M. Westphal. I use it to support my Open Source, free- and shareware projects.

You can contact me at any time via the means provided on the support page if you have questions about this web site or my software products.

If not an international corporation and I don't have a law department. I do all this in my spare time.

That last sentence should probably say:  "I'm not an international corporation...."  ?
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA



Typo on main-page
QuoteIf offers standard-compliant metadata management and an unrivaled feature set.

should be: It offers ....



Dead link found:

"Folgen Sie bitte diesem Link für die deutschsprachige Version." ( = 404 Not Found



Falscher Link in den FAQ unter:

Where can I learn more about IMatch?

    The IMatch Online Help System
    The IMatch Learning Center with many free tutorial videos - Der Link ist falsch, richtig wäre:
    The IMatch User Community




Very nice indeed...a crisp, clean, modern look.

I also spotted a few small typos...(sent to the Support Email).


Quote from: Tveloso on February 22, 2022, 04:12:59 AM
Very nice indeed...a crisp, clean, modern look.

I also spotted a few small typos...(sent to the Support Email).
Appreciated, thanks. I'm sure I've made a lot of typos, but you never see your own mistacks  ;)