Locally installed Help crashes IMatch 2021.15.2

Started by akirot, March 15, 2022, 05:20:12 PM

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Calling locally installed Help terminates IMatch 2021.15.2 with an IMatch dump (independently of the version of the installed/copied help files).
Calling Help on the photools website works.


I have reworked the help to make it  more Google and SEO friendly.
Do you have the latest version of the locally installed help installed?
Maybe this affects the locally installed help. Locally installed help is something that is not used by many users, and I always forget about it. I probably discontinue it as some point in time.

I have tested this now and it works here (with the current version of the offline help).


Yes, I had the latest Help version installed (downloaded directly after the IMatch 15.2 download). It's one of the first quick checks I do after an IMatch update. It crashed.
Then I tried with the recent version (which I reinstalled/copied). It crashed too.


Works here without any problems and for all contexts I've tested.

Maybe delete the "help" folder and recreate it from the current help.

You can also open the help by double-clicking on the index.html in the help folder.

Please also attach the log file (see log file).
Does IMatch produce a DUMP file (see The Debug Dump File)


Refining the error after some further tests:
- IMatch encounters a problem and terminates when calling the help via menu: Help -> Open the Help system.
- However, IMatch does! call the help when invoked from a different Help button (e.g. Edit -> Preferences). Then I also can successfully navigate around the Help pages (besides some missing pages [Error 404] but this is a different topic.)

(Opening the help/index just displays the help header and a spinner, independent from the help version. But I think his is normal.)


Does <F1> work?

I have no problems with opening the local help via Help menu > Open Help, <F1> or clicking on the Help button in dialog boxes.
Does IMatch produce a DUMP file? See The Debug Dump File


F1 works flawlessly, too.
It's just the invocation via Help Menu where it directly terminates and produces a Dump.


This was a very old bug, maybe a year or older. Nobody seems to ever use local help via this menu so this is a very minor inconvenience.
I have fixed that for the next release.


Glad it's fixed!

However, I almost always use the menu to call for help and it's a kind of routine to check whether I haven't forgotten to install the latest help files after an update - and I can't remember it ever happened before.
So this apparently must have been a coincidence with another change under the hood.

Thank you