Importing events imports some, others are empty

Started by ubacher, March 21, 2022, 05:49:51 PM

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I exported events, switched db and imported events.

Now, since in the files in the db into which I imported are on a different disk
I assumed it would fail. Instead it created some of the events but others it did not???

I the edited the json file and changed the D: to E: for each file. Did not help.
There is a media
,{....."media":3533157450,"path":"D:\\.....F entry which is probably what needs to be changed also
but I don't know how to get the media for the new disk in the format wanted.

I attach the json file.

NB: both disks are on line, both dbs access files on both disks but the files in events
are all on D in the originating db and on E  in the receiving db.
The event categories were imported OK.


Only date-based events are directly portable.
All other event types are database-specific and need to be resolved via the media id / folder path / file name.
If you want to export this kind of events created for another database managing files from another disk, you need to manually resolve the media serial number. And maybe the folder paths as well.

You can use the vol command on the command line to see the volume id (disk id).
Open command prompt.
vol c:

This displays the volumne is in hexadecimal, e.g. AAAA-BBBB
You need to convert this into decimal.
Open Windows calculator, switch to programmer, click on Hex and type in the number, without the -: AAAABBBB
The Dec column now shows the media serial number. This number is what you need, but remove the thousands groupings.


Makes sense that only date based events are directly portable.
But I recall considering this and not finding that the copied events were all date based - which
confused me. Anyway:

Thanks for the detailed info on how to change the media id.
The media Id is available (in HEX) at the dashboard!

Haven't converted a hex number for many years and would never have thought of using the windows calculator.

I changed the media id in the json file and it worked as it should!