Face manager for Unknown Persons to quickly assign faces from thumbnail

Started by cg, March 27, 2022, 04:07:58 AM

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Would it be possible to add a limited Face Manager for the Unknown Persons person with something like just the "Edit" button so that many faces can be quickly selected and assigned to new or existing people all at once.

I notice that I tend to have many unknown faces all at once, either from importing a new batch of scans, or especially new photos from a cell phone that had already created face annotations (but I assume are not exactly the dimensions for iMatch's recognition to recognize them so they often are unknown persons). In this case, the only way to assign the correct people is to go through the photos one by one and click on each ? to assign them one at a time, rather than by batch selecting thumbnails.

Since the batch functionality exists in the regular Face Manager, can it be extended (or something similar added) to Unknown Persons?

Thank you!


I don't know what you mean, sorry.

IMatch imports existing face regions created by your phone. It also is aware about the "empty" (width = height = 0) face annotations many Apple devices create and deals with them.
If the existing face regions have a label, and your database contains a person with a matching tag, the imported faces will be assigned to that person and marked as confirmed.
See Working with XMP Face Regions
So, maybe first create the persons before importing files will do the trick in your case?

Usually, when you have unknown persons and you assign a person to one or two faces, IMatch automatically assigns the person to all other matching faces. All this works automatically.
You control this via Edit > Preferences > Application: Face Recognition Options

Manual face assignments are usually only needed for faces which are averted from the camera, person looking away from the camera, partially obscured faces etc.
You can help the IMatch AI by training a few faces for each new person in the Face Manager.