Using the Thesaurus in the Metadata Panel

Started by hluxem, June 01, 2022, 05:34:50 PM

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I started using the thesaurus in the Metadata Panel as described in the help.
It works as expected if you type only the first letter and then select an entry. The letter is replaced with the entry. If you type more than one letter, and then select an entry, the entry is added to the letters.
If you want to add Elefant to the description and type "el" and then select the "Elephant" entry the tag contains "elElefant". Not sure if it's a bug or intended to work like this. I don't see a use case for this behavior ever.
I have been deleting the letters I typed to select the entries for the last 2 days and it certainly is annoying. Makes me wonder if I'm the only one using the thesaurus for meta data tags like author, title, description ect. or just don't see how it's supposed to be used. 

1:  Please change this so that when an entry from the thesaurus is selected only the entry becomes part of the tag.

When the thesaurus is used in the keyword panel, the letters typed act as a filter for the entry, like if you type "a" all entries with an "a" anywhere in the entry are shown, using the thesaurus in the metdata panel only entries beginning with an "a" are shown.

2: Can the filter work to show entries containing the letters typed rather than showing the entries beginning with the letters for the metadata panel as well.

PS:  This is related to a similar feature request for annotations and keywords.


Quote1:  Please change this so that when an entry from the thesaurus is selected only the entry becomes part of the tag.
Strangely enough, for me it already works this way: Using "Elefant" and "Elfe" as test for the Description tag ({File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0}), I start with entering "el" in the Metadata panel. The popup list opens, showing "Elefant", "Elfe" from the Thesaurus, as expected. When I now select one of these entries, "el" will be replaced with the selected word. Not added to it.

I tried different ways to select the entry: Cursor down, Cursor right; Curson down, Enter; Cursor down, select entry with the mouse. Always the entry was replaced, not added.

Quote2: Can the filter work to show entries containing the letters typed rather than showing the entries beginning with the letters for the metadata panel as well.
In this case I agree, this would be more consistent.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Just as an addendum: I performed the test with IMatch 2021.15.2 (haven't installed the latest update yet). But I doubt that this behaviour has changed with the latest update.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


The selection works here. The typed characters are replaced with the word selected from the thesaurus.

Quote from: hluxem on June 01, 2022, 05:34:50 PM
2: Can the filter work to show entries containing the letters typed rather than showing the entries beginning with the letters for the metadata panel as well.
PS:  This is related to a similar feature request for annotations and keywords.

The FR is 5 years old and has been implemented 5 years ago.

Showing all entries containing the letter e from your thesaurus when you type an e would probably produce a huge list you have to wade through...not sure. Doable, certainly. But useful?
I find it quite easy to select elements from my thesaurus by typing the first few characters - not some characters from the middle or end of the word...

If this is added, probably other users then would demand yet another option to configure this behavior - because your approach would mess with their workflow and existing thesaurus. Not good.

The thesaurus in the MD panel basically works the same since IMatch 5.
Feel free to add a feature request so we can see how many users would like this to be implemented.


Thanks to thrinn for testing this. Very strange, I tried many different ways and always end up with the combination of letters typed and the entry in the thesaurus. The only way I get the letters replaced is if I select them (highlight) using the mouse or Ctrl + A before selecting the entry. Is there another setting I miss which highlights/select the letters while typing?
See attached screenshot for how it looks for me before and after selecting the entry. Note if I only type the letter e it works fine.

QuoteShowing all entries containing the letter e from your thesaurus when you type an e would probably produce a huge list you have to wade through...not sure. Doable, certainly. But useful?
I find it quite easy to select elements from my thesaurus by typing the first few characters - not some characters from the middle or end of the word...
probably other users then would demand yet another option....
Understood, but that is how the thesaurus works in the keyword panel. Don't seem to be a problem with a huge list there and it is more flexible to find the right entry.

QuoteFeel free to add a feature request
This is posted as a feature request :>)



QuoteLooks like a multi-level thesaurus?

No, just a simple thesaurus with one level. Entries for the tag title and description were created with the import from database function.



The good news, the selection of the entry started now working as expected. No more extra letters to delete in the front. 

The bad news is that I have no idea why or what changed. I remembered that Word had an insert and overwrite mode in the old days. At some point I pushed the insert key just to see if that had anything to do with it. But if that changed it, it would only be in one direction. Doesn't seem to change anything right now.

So frustrating as I had the issue consistently for the last 3 days and now it's just gone.

As far as the filtering works, I still think that should work consistent with how it works in the key word panel.