Implement Thesaurus endpoint for links (get, post)

Started by Ger, June 27, 2022, 11:32:07 AM

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Currently, the endpoints for the thesaurus (v1/thesaurus...) don't include information about links (get, post, delete).

It would be great to have the links (introduced in IMatch 2021: Universal Thesaurus: Keyword Links, #01377) reflected in the thesaurus endpoints.



Why and how often do you need to manipulate links in the thesaurus from an app?


I use the IMatch thesaurus as a key source to a data file to cross-link and build relationships between different keywords. The new link in IMatch is great, and the ability to export/import these links allow for synchronization and validation.
Currently i have this setup for synonyms, extending it with the links would be great.


I have changed the v1/thesaurus endpoint for IMatch 2022/2023 to include links, and added endpoints to add and remove links.
