Export Metadata from JPG to xmp file

Started by StevePhoto149, July 29, 2022, 01:18:06 AM

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Can I solve this problem with IMatch?

I had a folder that contained jpg versions of a series of images separate from the folder with the raw files.

I mistakenly imported the jpegs into Lightroom Classic (LRC) and then used the develop module on the jpegs.

I now need LRC to take the adjustments I made to the jpegs and then use them to continue working with the Raw files?

Can I use IMatch to export the exif info from the jpg to an xmp file? I know LRC won't do this directly.
Once I have the xmp data from the Jpeg, I can use it with the raw file in LRC.



The ExifTool Command Processor in IMatch comes with a preset named Create XMP File which produces an XMP file from the XMP data embedded in an image.
Select the file(s) you want to produce XMP data from and run this preset.

Note: I'm not sure if this will work as you expect. The XMP Lightroom has created from the XMP will differ considerably from the XMP Lightroom would produce from a RAW file, and the settings may not be applicably.
Have you just tried to copy & paste the settings from the JPG to the RAW file in Lightroom?