Bulk changes of People Records

Started by sdb, August 05, 2022, 10:42:25 PM

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I have many images containing face regions created in Picasa, and was very pleased to see how well these were transferred to iMatch, creating People records in the process.

I want the names to be added as keywords, which I know should be done by adding the relevant keyword to each People record, which will result in the keywords being added to the existing images and relevant future images.

But I have hundreds of People records.  Is there a way of updating these without having to do it manually, one=by-one?

I have tried exporting the People records, programmatically altering the json data and then re-importing.  This worked fine, except that I lost all the names in the image regions, which would thus have to be re-linked to the relevant People.  (I know this is not the purpose of the People import function, but I thought I would try it on a test database.)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


There is no batch update for people records, sorry.

As far as I understand, you need to apply different keywords to your person records, right? Since, the keyword is usually the name of the person.
How would a batch feature for adding different keywords to different persons even work?
Currently you double-click the person add/edit data as needed, save and close. That's quite efficient already.

Feel free to add a feature request in the feature request board so we can see if and for how many people a batch editing feature for people would be useful.

The People Export/Import feature is solely for the purpose of setting up a new database with a set of existing person records.
It does not re-establish faces, re-do face recognition or anything. Basically, this is only for me, since I usually maintain 10 different databases for testing purposes.


QuoteFeel free to add a feature request in the feature request board so we can see if and for how many people a batch editing feature for people would be useful.

I think there is already one out:

QuoteCurrently you double-click the person add/edit data as needed, save and close. That's quite efficient already.

I disagree, I don't consider it efficient at all if you work with multiple persons.



Only four users (?) commented on the thread you link to.

Judging the considerable amount of work I would have to put into such a feature, that is not enough be far, sorry.
A "table-like" view, design, UI, import from external source, validation, lookups, consistency checks and whatnot. Testing. Documentation. Translations.
This easily can result in a two week project. I consider all feature requests, but this one is too expensive for less than a handful interested users.

I have already implemented a "detail view" for IMatch 2022/2023, which should make it simpler for users to "check for consistency" in the data they input for persons (as is mentioned as one of the reason for the other FR).

But exporting person data, editing "somewhere else", re-importing is probably not something many user will ever need.
Else they can just +1 the feature request you link to. The more +1 a FR gets, the more likely it becomes that I consider it for implementation.