wrong (old) exiftool version (12.41) with IMatch 18.2

Started by akirot, October 23, 2022, 09:54:09 AM

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Just updated to IMatch 18.2.
The update process (from 17.2 to 18.2) migrates the Database plus! exiftool (release notes don't contain an exiftool update)!
Starting IMatch and invoking "Help/About Imatch" reports ExifTool version 12.41!
This must be a bug since we already have been to 12.44.
Please advise or fix.


How strange. Thanks for notifying me.

Maybe a hickup in the IMatch build process? I'll look into this asap.

I'm currently dealing with 3 different IMatch versions (the one that is shipped, the one containing the changes for the next release of IMatch 2021 and the one containing the changes for IMatch 2023).

All this is fully automated and managed via a version control system and build pipeline system.
Building an IMatch and IMatch Anywhere release is a very complex operation and takes several hours of building, scripts running, copying things together, backing up things and finally building the 9 (!) installers for IMatch and IMatch Anywhere.

Usually, things run just fine. But something may go wrong. Especially with 3rd party software that is included, but not developed by me....Hm.

I shall look into this asp and ship an update if needed.


This problem has been resolved with the release of IMatch 2021.18.4.