Auto-pause should un-pause when filter is invoked which cuts the numbers of ...

Started by ubacher, November 09, 2013, 10:52:05 AM

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If I select a large number of files auto-pause will activate and stop them displaying. ( A performance feature)
If I then invoke a filter which reduces the number of files to below the (auto-pause) threshold
then the auto-pause should stop pausing i.e. the files should be displayed. ( Automatically that is).

Note that auto-pause also invokes when a filter is first selected and then (for instance) the category  @All is selected.
I suppose this could be considered a BUG!


If you consider something a bug, please file a bug report. I don't search the feature requests board for bug reports, and it may be months before I look at specific feature requests again, depending on when they "fit" into the current development cacle.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Let me restate this as a request:

Before IM invokes the auto-pause it should first apply the filter, since the filtered results
may not need to be paused.

To demonstrate:
1. set filter to select only a few files (where you know there are only a few in the db)
2. Set Category panel to category @All (assuming you have more files than the auto-pause threshold)
    Currently the auto-pause activates. Deactivating it shows the few files.


Sometimes it's hard to know whether a certain behaviour is BBD, and so changing it is a feature request, or whether that certain behaviour is a bug.  Since this behaviour has been around for a long time I assume it's BBD.  So I support this request, provided that it won't take weeks of work to change it.  It's one of those minor annoyances.


I think I have explained this already in the past.

In order to know how many files there are, and to kick-in the auto pause or not, IMatch has to load all files, apply the filter, count the files, and then disable or enable the pause. This obviously nullifies the idea of the auto pause to prevent IMatch from accidentally loading too many files, causing a long delay. I won't even start to explain the technical difficulties to implement this - I'd rather remove the auto pause feature entirely.

if you find this disturbing, just disable the auto pause while you fiddle with your filter. IMatch loads 50,000 files in a couple of seconds into a file window, so this should not be too hard.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Quote from: Mario on March 22, 2015, 09:12:59 AM
I think I have explained this already in the past.

You may have but my memory sometimes fails me.  Sorry.


I assume - although Mario did not state it - that the filter is only applied after the un-pause is clicked.
And - it follows - that the setting of the filter can not un-set the pause.
Otherwise I can't understand the problem.