Moving Keywords in Thesaurus not reflecting in Categories

Started by Damit, December 14, 2022, 06:10:34 PM

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I have been trying to move some keywords around and am confused as to why I am having the problems I am having.  I used the Thesaurus to move two Keywords: Photography and Cinematography under a Parent Keyword How.

However, when I exit out of the Thesaurus, the Keywords I moved still remain as Categories in the Category View.  I thought if I moved things within the Thesaurus, that it would move the categories as well.  I had similar problems with another category.  I had a category called "In Pic" and I cut and pasted it in the Thesaurus under the "People" category.  However, when I closed out the Thesaurus, the old Keyword Category "In Pic" was still there, with all its child keyword categories. I resolved this dragging the categories in category view, but I did not think that would create a entry in the Thesaurus, but it did. I thought the proper way to move things would be in the Thesaurus and if the keyword did not exist in the Thesaurus, I would import it from the database and then move it.  I thought this method worked when previously cleaning up my keywords, but maybe I remember incorrectly.

It gets even weirder. I dragged the keyword category in the category view.  I then go to the files and in the Keyword Panel I see the keyword and it is checked. However, if I go to the Current Keyword section of the Keyword Panel and right click to "Locate in Thesaurus" nothing happens, which means it is not in the Thesaurus, but it is, because it is in the Keyword Panel.  ???  :-\

Should I just drag in the Category view and then import from the database to the thesaurus? What is the proper way to move a Keyword?  Is it different if the Keyword did not exist in the Thesaurus prior to moving it?


Changing the thesaurus has no effect on existing keywords in the database.
Changing keyword hierarchies via drag & drop in @Keywords has no effect on the thesaurus.
This behavior is by design.

The thesaurus has the purpose to be a stable controlled vocabulary that is not randomly changed by some arbitrary change in keywords the user performs somehow.

Please refer to the thesaurus help topic which explains this and other features of the thesaurus.
Refer to the @Keywords help for detailed explanations of what @Keywords can do, and what it can't.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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OK, thanks, but dragging it in @keywords does seem to change the keywords. I did define the same keywords in the Thesaurus, when I cut and pasted them in it prior to doing so. I will read, once again, in detail these sections and report back if I can figure out why this is happening.  I seemed to be able to move them without issue a month ago.

So, if I cut and paste an existing keyword to another location through the Thesaurus, it will not change the keywords of all the files under the existing keyword?

"Deleting, renaming or moving elements in the thesaurus will not change metadata contained in your files. The thesaurus is not linked with the metadata in your files in any way. It is just a repository for text and text templates. See the Keyword Panel and @Keywords for information on how to replace or change existing keywords efficiently."

I guess not!


QuoteOK, thanks, but dragging it in @keywords does seem to change the keywords.
That's how it works. See The @Keywords Category

QuoteSo, if I cut and paste an existing keyword to another location through the Thesaurus, it will not change the keywords of all the files under the existing keyword?
That's what I try to say above and what the Thesaurus help topic quote says.

Changing text in the Thesaurus does not affect metadata in your files. Not keywords, descriptions, legal or all the other data you can manage in the Thesaurus. Changing metadata will not change the thesaurus. You can add more data to the thesaurus via the features available in the Keywords and Metadata Panel.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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