[BBD] Batch renamer unexpected message

Started by rolandgifford, December 19, 2022, 03:03:31 AM

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I use JPG/ARW files paired as buddy files on import

Using the batch renamer I'm given a message telling me that buddy files shouldn't be renamed separately, which is helpful.

When doing a preview to check my renamer rule I'm told (in one example) that there are 193 files successfully processed and 191 files with errors. Scrolling through the detail it seems that the 191 files are all warnings about buddy files and not errors at all. If there were any actual errors I would miss them.

It would be useful if I were told that there were 191 buddy files or potentially that there are 189 buddy files and 2 errors.


Don't select buddy files when you rename files. Buddy files are automatically renamed, that's one of their features.

Retry without selecting buddy files. If there are rename issues remaining, you will see only the real issues and not unnecessary warnings because you try to rename hundreds of buddy files.

This behavior is by design.


Is there a recommended way to exclude buddy files? I'm currently selecting all files in the folder.

The folder contains a mixture of raw files, jpgs and some videos. Most of the jpgs are buddys to the raw files but not all of them as some are from my phone so don't have a raw file.


Several ways to do this.

A) In the Filter Panel, add the File Properties filter. Enable the filter and tick the box in front of Hide buddy files.
Then <Ctrl>+<A> to select all RAW files in the folder, then <Ctrl>+<F2> for the Renamer. 
Tip: If you need this often, save the filter so you can later recall it quickly.

B) In the File Window Search bar, search for .RAW (substitute .RAW with the extension of your RAW files).
Make sure the File Window Search bar searches file names (X button drop-down menu).
Then <Ctrl>+<A> to select all RAW files in the folder, then <Ctrl>+<F2> for the Renamer.
See The Search Bar for more info.

C) Another one: Enable the "Advanced Search" option for the File Window Search Bar (X button drop-down menu)
Search for NOT .jpg to hide all JPG files in the File Window.
Then <Ctrl>+<A>  and <Ctrl>+<F2> for the Renamer.



A works well.
The others don't (for me) as JPG files are sometime half of a buddy pair and sometimes on their own