visual proxy - order of versions

Started by Ronaldve, November 10, 2013, 09:01:15 PM

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Through all great feedback you provided earlier on how versioning works, I feel I am now on top of this and it works really well. I have one suggestion, which I would propose as an improvement: Currently, as described in the help file, IM5 uses the first version file, based on filenames, as visual proxy where there are multiple version files. I would hope you can change this to be the last filename, if possible. When I create multiple versions I number those in sequential order. Usually the last version is the one I use. It would be great if that version would then also be the visual proxy.
For example, I have a file _DSC2251.NEF. I would create versions _DSC2251_v1.JPG, _DSC2251_v2.JPG etc. Other users might use different structures, but I would say that usually the last file, sorted by filename, will also be the final version.

Regards,  Ronald


Since this is no bug report, I move it to the feature request forum for later consideration.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I want to have the first one, the master ...

May be it is an option to make this selectable (first or last) in the preferences ...


I do (of course) make multiple derived versions of my images but I never use a numbering scheme to distinguish them, so in my ideal version of this feature request I would like to be able to assign any one of my versions to be the visual proxy for the set - independently from any of their filenames.

The automated choice of visual proxy is only decoupled from the Master file's name under certain conditions, but I'd like it to be entirely decoupled from the name of the Master file. (Though still optionally so  ;D )

I add text to extend the filenames of my edited files, and the added text is a 'vehicle' for a whole bunch of my own custom hints about the files' edited status.  This also makes their edited status easily discernible in any file-browser instance.  So it's no use at all (for me) to have IMatch choose the visual proxy for my sets based on any part of their filenames!

I hope this can be changed in a later version.

Colin P.


This is already possible.

Create a new version rule and name it as you wish., e.g. "Manual Proxy".
In the Link via choose Manual only.
On the Versioning tab, select nothing except the As Visual.

Now, select the proxy image, then the master.
From the context menu choose Create manual version link (or press <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<M>
In the dialog, choose the "Manual Proxy" rule.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on November 12, 2013, 07:55:56 AM
This is already possible. (....)

AH! Excellent!

Large parts of the Help system are still on my to-do list, so although I'd scanned & re-read what I hoped were the relevant Help sections before I replied here, I hadn't spotted this 'potential' in the tantalisingly versatile Versioning and Stacking features  :)

Thank you Mario.
Colin P.


I just came up with that after your question. As usual, if all the fancy automatics fail, one has to do it manually

I cannot cover everything in the help (despite the fact that, looking at the help offered by the big vendors, IMatch's help is already very extensive). I will add a new FAQ entry in the appropriate board. All users are invited to share their wisdom and tips & tricks there as well.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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