Category Dashboard Font Size

Started by Darius1968, January 06, 2023, 04:21:47 PM

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I need a bigger text size to make use of the Category Dashboard a possibility.  How can I do that?  Thanks. 


Use the zoom slider in the Dashboard Toolbar (right side)?

If the 100% size is still too small for your taste, you can change the global app scale (for all apps) under Edit > Preferences > Application: App Panel Scale. It is by default set to 0 (100%), larger numbers means larger scale.


My instance of Category Dashboard doesn't have a zoom slider.  How do I add it? 


You should see this:



And, this is what I see: 

So, what need I do to get those extra controls in the app?  Thanks again. 


Ah, sorry. Category Dashboard. I misread that for Dashboard. My bad.

Forgot about this app. It is very rarely used and I might discontinue it at some point in the future.
Like all app panels, the Dashboard responds to the app panel scale I explained above.