Changing Date Created for 1000+ images

Started by mrkstr, January 15, 2023, 03:35:26 PM

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I've just started to use IMatch. I'm indexing my images and found an issue with photos I've created some time ago: the year in the camera settings was accidentally set wrong: 2019 instead of 2020. Therefore all images have a wrong year in the creation date eg. 2019-05-23 instead of 2020-05-23. Day, month and time are correct.

Can anyone suggest a method to add +1 to the date created for all selected images and leave all other data untouched?



Select one of the 1000 files in a File Window and then run the The Time Wiz app from the App Manager Panel.

Enable the Shift Date & Time option and shift by +1 one year.
Check the Value after applying changes display to see the resulting timestamp.
Click on Apply Changes.
Check the resulting file date and time in the Metadata Panel.

If they are correct, repeat these steps with the remaining files. Select the 999 files in a File Window and do the same thing.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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That worked great, thanks!

Just one minor UI flaw: the Time Wiz Ui doesn't seem to work well with scaled screens...
See attached image.


I don't know what your red circles indicate, sorry. I cannot see anything in them.

IMatch works well with "scaled" screens, including apps.
The TimWiz app can be resized to your liking, it will adapt, within reason. It is responsive.

Depending on which mode you select, the contents of the window will require more or less space.
Your screen shot shows a TimeWiz window that seems to have enough space to accommodate for the larger controls.

For example, click on Zeitzone ändern to see what I mean.
This will expand the Zeitzone controls, moving the two buttons down.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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