Map Panel target marker moves when closing context window

Started by akirot, January 06, 2023, 12:09:21 PM

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Right click a flag in the map panel -> context window opens -> okay
Click "Target Marker here" -> Target Marker positioned -> okay

Close context window by hitting "x" in the lower right corner -> context window closes but Target Marker moves to where the "x" button has been -> bug, should stay as assigned



I could reproduce this.
Happened only with OpenLayer-based Maps (not Google).

I have added a bug fix for this for IMatch 2023.
If this is super-urgent for you, I can set you a patch for the Map App.


As I found my way around it's not super urgent.
Nevertheless it would help if you could provide a patched map app or give advice where and how to change the app please (until IMatch 2023 becomes available).
Thank You!


Add two lines to the file "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\mapapp\ol\olmap.js" in a text editor (Windows Notepad, Microsoft Visual Studio Code) as follows:



I successfully have "eaten the left click" - thank you