Workflow new images

Started by stefanjan2, January 30, 2023, 06:03:29 PM

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My current workflow is to label images Red = New, Yellow = Culled, Green = Processed

I export processed jpegs from Photolab or Affinity to a subfolder "Processed" of the master folder.

I have been using versioning to propagate the green label from master to processed jpeg version.

Subsequently I have setup a template using indexing to label new images with a red label.

My problem is that processed jpegs now get a red label. The indexing seems to override propagation.

Is there a way round this? Alternatively any suggestions for a better workflow? I'd like to keep it as simple as possible.


QuoteSubsequently I have setup a template using indexing to label new images with a red label.

 The indexing seems to override propagation.

I understand that you have configured IMatch to run a Metadata Template when indexing files, and this template applies a red label to new and or updated ? files?

Not sure about the order of operations, though.
You have the master file in a folder. And it has a red label? Or a green label? When does it get a green label?

You produce new files from the master in an external application, storing them in a sub-folder of the the master folder.
These images will considered as new to IMatch and your metadata template will be applied => red label.

Keep in mind that propagation takes place when the master is written-back for most of the tags.
Exceptions exist for rating, label and keywords, which are propagated on-the-fly in the database to avoid confusion.

If you have created your versions and IMatch has indexed them and you then change the label of the master to green, this should propagate and replace the label assigned by your index settings.


Quote from: Mario on January 30, 2023, 07:14:39 PM
QuoteIf you have created your versions and IMatch has indexed them and you then change the label of the master to green, this should propagate and replace the label assigned by your index settings.
Thanks, so in future I need to wait for the version to be added to the database before changing the master label.
Tested and seems to work fine now.


That's what I thought.

You configured IMatch to assign a label when new/updated files are ingested. And it worked as it should.
Of course this overrides the label previously set manually or by version propagation.
When you now change something for the master that is propagated (label), the version is updated accordingly again.

This is just how this is supposed to work.