[2021.18.4] Location while reverse geocoding multi selected files

Started by Rene Toepfer, February 19, 2023, 05:55:31 PM

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Rene Toepfer

If multi files selected the borough will be set as default location:
Reverse geocoding with single selected file asks for the location to confirm:

I want to have the street name (+street number) instead of borough.
Is it possible that Imatch can ask for confirmation of the location by default and independent if single or multi selection? Currently I have to load the locations image by image which is very uncomfortable and time consuming.


QuoteI want to have the street name (+street number) instead of borough.

IMatch uses the street name provided by the geocoding service to fill in the street field. And the city for the city field.
If you don't want this, fill the Ort by hand before reverse geocoding all files. Or, select all files afterwards in the File Window and override the Ort in the MD panel for all files at once. Would that not work?

QuoteIs it possible that Imatch can ask for confirmation of the location by default and independent if single or multi selection? Currently I have to load the locations image by image which is very uncomfortable and time consuming.

What would this do? What would need confirmation?
Nothing done by the reverse geocode dialog is final until you press the OK button.

When you have multiple files selected and use the "Lookup All" button, IMatch looks up all selected files and fills in all or empty (depending on your setting) fields. You can also lookup individual files by moving the slider on the top.

You have the option to fill files within a radius of 1 m selected. This will be performed after you pressing OK. This might cause issues if you have multiple files selected which are within 1 m distance, obviously.

The slider on the top allows you review and maybe correct the data of each selected file as needed before you commit the changes by closing the dialog with OK.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Rene Toepfer

The geocoding service supplies all relevant data (as seen on the Screenshots above). In case of multi selection Imatch chooses the borough as default location by default. If I have only one file selected Imatch asks for confirmation what to use as location (borough or street name and number).

I cannot slide image by image and select different locations for each image. It is all or nothing of the location with multi selection. In multi selection the popup "Zieladresse auswählen" will not be prompted.

Tomorrow I will walk the Rosenmontagszug in Cologne of the complete distance of 8 km. As per experience during the ten last parades hundreds of images will be taken. It would be very time consuming to adjust the location afterwards on each image manually. Therfore, I am looking for a practically solution to assign the correct street name+number to each image instead of a general value "Innenstadt" for location.


I'm not sure which geocoding service you use, but when I use Google geocoding in the US with multiple files selected, it will set Location (Ort?) to the particular address of each image file. The first image in the selection will show a location/street address that may be different from each of the other files. But this may depend on how the reverse geocoding works in each country, even with the same geocoding service. 


QuoteI cannot slide image by image and select different locations for each image. It is all or nothing of the location with multi selection.
I don't think so.
When I select two files, one in Barcelona and one in Berlin, I can use the slider to switch between the files.
Reverse geo-code processes each file individually and I can use the slider again to review and modify the data produced by the geocoding service.

Adding a prompt that would allow users to individually (even per file!) select which of the data returned should go into which of the standard location tags would be possible, but I doubt pretty much anybody would need that.

QuoteI am looking for a practically solution to assign the correct street name+number to each image instead of a general value "Innenstadt" for location.
This is what reverse geocoding does!
If the geocoding service you use delivers the street name and number, IMatch will put that into Location/Ort.

it all depends on the service used and the coordinates, of course. Coordinates are usually precise within 10 to 50 meters and so
it might be impossible to automatically fill in what you consider as the "best" address. That's why IMatch displays choices, as returned by the geocoding service for a given coordinate. It displays the choices in the order in which the geocoding service returns them, with the "best first" order suggested by the service.

If you use "Lookup All", IMatch uses the first delivered location set. If you don't want this, geocode each file individually. There is no way for IMatch to tell which of the 5 to 20 addresses returned by the service is "best" for you. The first address has the least distance to the coordinate (accordingly to the database of the geocoding service). It might still be the wrong address in your opinion and setting. This is why IMatch offers choices when you reverse geocode files.

Google may return Sloane Street 75 (correct) as the first result for one coordinate. If I have moved a meter between the photos, the second file may suggest Pont Street 19 first instead (wrong) and Sloane Street is on place 2 or 4.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Rene Toepfer

Thanks, that explanation makes sense, especially the accuracy of the coordinates. It is not the exact location but what is in the area of 10-50 m around that coordinate. 
Than I have to assign image by image with the detailed location.

I use Google as geocoding service.

Rene Toepfer

Quote from: jch2103 on February 19, 2023, 08:42:34 PMbut when I use Google geocoding in the US with multiple files selected, it will set Location (Ort?) to the particular address of each image file. 
In my case (multi selected images) the borough will be chosen by Imatch as location. For single images a popup will be shown to choose the exact location.
Mario's explanation is fine to me and makes sense.


You have to consider the main purpose of the geocoding service you are using. Most people overlook this.

Google developed their mapping service (Google Maps and the geocoding API) mainly to figure out where you are when you use Google Search, Android or other Google services. Which people are nearby you and when. The roads you use, when and where you travel etc.
Google is an advertisement company and makes 95% of their money from tracking people wherever they go and selling this data to hundreds of other companies. And displaying you more targeted ads, of course.

For Google (and Bing, which is very similar) it is good enough to know the approx. street you are and which people and shops are nearby you. If you are in or nearby certain landmarks, buildings or other POI's.
This allows them to feed their AI and sell your relations with other persons nearby you, your shopping habits and locations, interests, behaviors etc to hundreds of other companies. And of course show you more targeted ads. And feed their search engine.
This is how it is. Offering their geocoding service for money via an API is just a side show, to recoup some of the hundreds of millions of dollars (sic!) Google paid for building "Maps" and gathering the data.

The HERE company is (mostly) owned bei German car makers. Their main goal is to provide precise mapping services for navigation in cars, self-driving automobiles and similar purposes. They are very good at roads, but less so in other areas.

GeoNames.org is a mapping service based on commonly available (aka state-provided) mapping information and lots and lots of input from volunteer users. You'll find much better geodata for bikers and hikers on GeoNames.org than you'll find on Google, Bing or HERE.

Combine that with the typical 5 to 50 meters of resolution and you'll get the average quality of reverse geocoding. The output you'll get depends on the type of photography you do and the mapping service you choose.

When I shot street parades or carnival, I usually fill in the location data manually, using Metadata Templates or the AutoFill feature that will become available to all IMatch users when IMatch 2023 is out.
For German Carnival at least, it's always the same roads the "Zug" takes in Köln or Mainz, so this is fairly easy to accomplish. I did both Köln and Mainz several times :D
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Rene Toepfer

Quote from: Mario on February 19, 2023, 11:48:48 PMThe HERE company is (mostly) owned bei German car makers. Their main goal is to provide precise mapping services for navigation in cars, self-driving automobiles and similar purposes.

Your hint with HERE was very helpfully. I've compared HERE with Google Maps and the results of HERE were very good. While Google supplies only a general location, HERE supplies street name and number. That was what I have expected with my initial querry.


I've been using HERE for many years now after having great success with data retrieval from the service using my APP - it is a welcome addition to the options available.