Automatically Update Thesaurus to Reflect the @Keywords Category

Started by moviemaker445, March 31, 2023, 02:58:43 PM

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Is it possible to have the Thesaurus automatically update to reflect changes made to keywords in @Keywords in the Category panel?



The Thesaurus is an universal text store than can store contents for all metadata tags, including keywords.
You can import your keywords from the database into the Thesaurus if you have to.

@Keywords automatically reflects the keywords in your files.

The idea is to a) setup / import a controlled vocabulary into the thesaurus and b) then change it rarely and c) use it to assign keywords in the Keywords Panel. A controlled vocabulary changes only very occasionally. Else it would be not a good controlled vocabulary.

You can configure the Keywords Panel to automatically add new keywords to the Thesaurus, if you want that. Rule b) should be applied, though. You can also add selected keywords to the Thesaurus in the Keywords Panel, which gives you more control over what you let into your thesaurus.
Read the Keywords Panel help topic for all details.