MP3 Files and Quick View

Started by moviemaker445, March 18, 2023, 02:21:08 AM

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I am new to IMatch and have come up against an issue that seems quite strange.
Recently added a couple of folders to my database containing MP3 audio files. When I try to play them using the Quick View panel, some will play ok but others cause the QV panel to display "This format cannot be played".
Can anyone please give me tips on how this can be rectified?


IMatch uses a service provided by Windows to allow to preview certain formats, including MP3.
MP3 come in many different flavors and probably the Windows service does not support some of the MP3 fies you have. I have no influence on this.

I recommend you don't use the Quick Preview Panel in IMatch to listen to MP3 files.
Press <Ctrl>+<Enter> to open them with the associated application or click on the File Window toolbar button for that purpose.
