File Window Layout Selector - More Obvious Identification of Current Layout

Started by PandDLong, March 28, 2023, 07:49:08 AM

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I would like to more easily identify which File Window Layout I am currently using.  I find the current highlighting of the icon in the drop-down list a little obscure (perhaps it is my aging eyes).

Ideally - the name (or some of the name) would be shown in the Toolbar in the same way that the current Sort Preset is shown and the Metadata Panel shows which Panel Layout is currently selected.

If that is not feasible, the next best would be to highlight the entire Layout entry in the drop-down list as it is done in  the Sort Preset and Metadata Panel Layout drop-down lists.

Perhaps neither is possible as this list has keyboard shortcuts and the others do not...

Appreciate your consideration.



This "popup" is not a list like the sort profile selector or the drop-down in the Metadata Panel. It is a menu.
The look and style of the menus is controlled by the 3rd party user interface toolkit I use for IMatch.
Changing the color and draw style used for these menus would require me to create a complete new theme from scratch, which I never did because it is very complicated, the documentation is minimal and I don't have the time to sit down a full work-week and learn all this stuff.

I had the idea to make the icon smaller so that there is more space around it for the "checked color/frame" to show.
Would that suffice?



Thanks for the background - I did wonder if it is built differently than the others.

I think your idea is a good one.



It is possible to display the name of the current workspace in the ID Plate.

I'm using  -  Database:-  {Application.Database.Name}    Workspace:- {Application.Workspace.Name}   to display the database name and current workspace at the right side of the ID plate.

Unfortunately, unless I've missed something in the Help, I don't think there is a variable available to display the name of the current file window.  If not, a possible workaround might be to save each layout as a different workspace then select these instead.


Good idea.

I had hidden the id plate to save the space.  I need to look at that option. 

Thanks for the contribution.
