Tip Assign Faces

Started by Josebr, April 09, 2023, 01:05:57 PM

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Every time I open Imatch, I get this golden colored Tip at the bottom of the window. It says:
Tip: Assign and Confirm Faces for Better Performance..
There are currently 10, 151 unassigned or unconfirsmed Faces......

How do I stop this from appearing each time I open Imatch? No I can't assign or confirm the faces as I am in the process of going day by day, month by month, year by year at the speed of one month a day. I am at 12 years ago working my way to the present. So how do I stop this from showing. Yes I know I can click on the x and get rid of it each time, but that is not a solution.


Having 10,000+ unassigned faces is quite a drag and will make face recognition and automatically assigning persons to faces a lot slower.

This is why IMatch displays this reminder in the notification area when you open your database.
The reminder will vanish if this has been resolved. Until then you need to click X after loading your database. Which is not that much of an issue, I believe.


I would recommend using Face Manager to "mass confirm" all the face assignments that are correct for each person in the People View (you will likely find that the majority of them are in fact correct).

You can still carry on with your current workflow, of going day by day, month by month...but you'll then only need to make corrections, or add any missing face annotations (as you will have already confirmed most of the faces via face manager). Once you get the unconfirmed faces down below a certain threshold, that notification will stop appearing.



Like I wrote. In currently in my 2015 photos working my way up to the present time. I do a month a day. I still have about half a year before I reach today if all goes according to plan. I can't assign the faces until I get to them. Meanwhile, surely there must be a way to get rid of that tip? It's tedious and does waste my time having to click on it. I don't like wasting my time. I am a very busy person. I don't even care to have face recognition as I am assigning people in my photos to their names in categories. So can I turn off face recognition?


There is no way to get rid of the notification area. All banners it shows are shown for good reasons.
I have intentionally not added ways to suppress the notifications. You will have to click the X once when you start IMatch, sorry.


Do you have "automatic face recognition" turned on or off  (it is in the Preferences - Application tab)?  If you turn it off and then never explicitly run 'Detect Faces' then no annotations should ever be created from that point forward. 

However, even with that turned off, I have found that some digital cameras perform automatic face annotations so these will show up in iMatch when the photos are indexed - check options in your source device if that is the case.

If you have already indexed thousands of photos and face recognition was turned on creating this problem - a few ideas (important caveat - these are ideas, I haven't attempted this to confirm they work):

1.  "Reload" the metadata for those files if you never did a write-back of the files after face annotations were added (and you haven't added anything else in iMatch that you want to keep).

2.  Re-index/re-add all of those years of photos using the original source files and then delete these ones creating the problem (again, this assume you haven't processed and added data in iMatch that you want to keep).

2. Use the prior suggestion and go into the People section and do a mass confirm - if you don't use face recognition then it shouldn't matter if they are wrong or right.

3. Perhaps there is a way to delete them by a metadata template or other function that can be applied against hundreds (or thousands) of files at once?



QuoteHowever, even with that turned off, I have found that some digital cameras perform automatic face annotations so these will show up in iMatch when the photos are indexed - check options in your source device if that is the case.
This can be controlled via Working with XMP Face Regions