Cannot get trial version to run

Started by DSR, June 01, 2023, 10:56:31 PM

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Imatch installs fine on a windows 10 machine, but when i run it, the hourglass appears and then splash screen, nothing in the task bar...

googling (and checking the forum) i find there are evidently issues when u try to reinstall, or move the db, but i just can't get it to run.

i did uninstall it and then cleaned my system (cache, cookies, etc)...reran the installer and same problem...

what am i doing wrong?  thanks


this is quite unusual. Does IMatch produce a log file?
See log file for details on where to find it etc.

If this is a Windows 10 computer, I assume it is older?
Maybe your PC uses one of the rare processors which does not have AVX support?
See for more information and a small utility I wrote that allows you to test if your PC is able to run IMatch.

DSR AVX.  I'm in the process of building a new machine for this location, but I'll be traveling and probably won't get all the parts in and be able to build it until mid-late July. I'll try again then...thanks