Which Version Do You Prefer?

Started by Mario, May 29, 2023, 11:29:10 AM

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The IMatch Help System has been substantially enhanced to incorporate all the new features and additions I will ship with IMatch 2023. I have also improved the 'tech' and made the search better.

While working on the help, I pondered the idea to re-design the front page (welcome page) to give it a more modern and slicker look.
Of course, tastes vary. Let me know which of the two variants you like better via the poll above.
Tip: Right-click the image to open it in an new tab full-size.



Clear choice. If the UI would undergo such a transformation, I would be very satisfied...


Change is only slight, so keep present layout which people are used to.


I like the first one, because the color icons are easier to recognise.


I added my choice (for the current icons) in the poll above.
I like colors :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I prefer the old version because I am too.


I know that having icons only in one subdued color is more modern, but personally I find colored icons much better distinguishable.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Keep the present layout...  The changes in the new one are not really helpful, mostly cosmetic.  And as others have noted, I too like the colors!
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


I prefer the old version.


I prefer color icons


Clearly the new version. Monochrom icons are much easier to grasp with a quick glance. E.g. look at the old "The File Window" icon. It's a colored pixel mess.


Quote from: banzai on May 29, 2023, 10:39:12 PMClearly the new version. Monochrom icons are much easier to grasp with a quick glance. E.g. look at the old "The File Window" icon. It's a colored pixel mess.

If I'm looking for a particular help aspect I look at the titles (probably Ctrl-F to search in the first instance and only actually look if that fails). The icons (both new and old) don't help with that even one tiny bit.

The old ones look more lively and interesting of course rather than a monochrome sameness but that is just my view on style.


I voted for the current design, but I must admit I did waffle a bit on the choice.

When icons in general started towards a flatter look, I didn't like it at all...I felt that the flatter versions of familiar icons in Microsoft products, for example, had lost some of their ability to convey the function they represented (but then I always had some difficulty understanding icons anyway).

The new design does have a cleaner, more unified look, and for that reason, I thought maybe that's what I should vote for.

I agree that the File Window icon in the current version might not be the best...experienced IMatch users will of course know exactly what it is, but new users will probably not understand it.  But then as I reviewed other icons individually, I found that in most cases I preferred the current version...(the current Indexing icon, for example, is way better than its flat counterpart in my view), so that decided it for me.

Quote from: Mario on May 29, 2023, 11:29:10 AMOf course, tastes vary.


QuoteI agree that the File Window icon in the current version might not be the best... 
This has been mentioned a few times. I will change the File Window icon for the old design when I decide to switch back.
Something like this perhaps:


Quote(the current Indexing icon, for example, is way better than its flat counterpart in my view), 

 I've fixed like this:



I also waffled on this awhile... while I do agree the new icons look more "modern" - the monotone coloring seems a bit flat to me.  The older version does seem a bit dated with the full color icons - but I do like it probably because I'm used to it!  I think I'd stick with the originals


Both are about a tie to me in terms of appeal, but I just had to go with the current design because the new design is supposed to be more modern, but it makes it easy to remember the news on your local TV station back in the 70s/early 80s - all text from the character generator in just one color! 

Carlo Didier

Had to look several times to notice what was different. Couldn't see any advantage of one ov er the other.


While I prefer a clear/modern icon stile, like you presented, I have no problem with the old stile.
In the new style the icons I do not like: First Steps, RAW Images, GPS..., Viewing and File Windows.
I have seen icons fitting better IMHO.
But the question is, did you create those icons yourself or are you tied to a fixed set of icons.


QuoteBut the question is, did you create those icons yourself or are you tied to a fixed set of icons.
Partly, partly. I try to use commercial icons from a large set (which I paid for) wherever possible.
In IMatch apps. In the help. On my web site.

The colorful icons are all bitmaps from a commercial set I've bought some years ago.
They go up to 256 pixel only.
The flat modern icon commercial set are all vectors and also available as web fonts, which makes them easy to use in apps and on web sites.

When I don't find a good icon for something, I do them myself. In the same style for consistency.
I've also did all the app icons. But I'm no designer or graphic artist. And my time is limited.


Well, I can accept the new set, if it would be colored.


Hello Mario,
I like the old icons also better if the new through the vector graphics but finally have only advantages, you should also use these. I think we will also get used to these.
Greetings Christopher


I've considered all the input provided here (thanks!), including the suggestions for making the new indexing icon more similar to the old and come up with a better File Window icon.

I did some A/B tests here and finally decided to go with the new design.
It just matches the rest of the documentation better (including all the other icons used in the help).

Similar to how I use the vector icons for IMatch apps and Views like the People View, Event View, Dashboard etc.
I can use same icon used in an app's toolbar in the help system to make clear which button to click.

I think even IMatch "oldtimers" will get used to the new icons. The Welcome page is rarely used for context-sensitive help via <F1> anyway.
And for users who start with the Welcome page via bookmark, the new look is fresher and more consistent with the icons used in the other section of the help system.

What this thread showed is how different users think about the same thing.
Not a total surprise, but still a worthwhile lesson and a great reminder for me to try to make IMatch features flexible enough to meet the needs of the broad majority of IMatch users. Both long-term users and new users coming to the project, which often have very different experiences and expectations.

Thanks for all the users who've took the time to vote and/or comment.


Quote from: Mario on June 04, 2023, 09:25:51 AM...
Not a total surprise, but still a worthwhile lesson and a great reminder for me to try to make IMatch features flexible enough to meet the needs of the broad majority of IMatch users. Both long-term users and new users coming to the project, which often have very different experiences and expectations.

Thanks for all the users who've took the time to vote and/or comment.

Well, you are the boss and you alone can decide what to do with IMatch.
And clearly "old timers" will get used to the icons, no question.
It is also clear that the appearance of the icons is in principle quite unimportant.

Just because you asked for an opinion, I wrote my opinion. If you hadn't asked, this survey wouldn't have existed. Instead, the new icons would simply have been a fact.
And what the broad majority, at least here in this poll, says about it is also very clear in principle. ;)
But you are the boss, without you, IMatch and therefore this question would not exist. :)

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


QuoteAnd what the broad majority, at least here in this poll, says about it is also very clear in principle.
I have considered all this. I also considered the number of users who commented. The number of users who posted.
The post count of each user. The duration of their membership.
This is important since it defined how long a user is using IMatch, how active the user is in the community etc. All this has been weighted into my decision.

And yes, I'm the boss regarding IMatch and I have the final say. I do all the programming, write all the docs, draw all the icons etc.  But I do ask users for their opinion to get their input, thoughts and suggestions.

In this case, I've decided to stick to the new design for the several reasons explained in my post above.
Next time, users might override me. Who knows.

This is the final design that will go live once IMatch 2023 is out:



We'll get used to it as you say!  8)   However, it does look like some of the horizontal alignment is off - Time Saver Features is offset right from Viewing Files... and everything below Visual Index is offset from the first section as well.


Thank. I'll check the left alignment, probably just forgot a class to make the icons same width.
There are two sections and some extra space in-between.


I understand Mario's deciusion for several reasons:
- the number of votes is so low, that it is simply not relevant
- Mario needs new users, and those new users are mostly younger then us oldies and more oriented towards a modern stile. And this often counts on a first glance regardless of the excellent functionality.


Happy with your decision as i have voted for the new design.

Any chance to have something similar inside the app itself ? For 2024 ? ;)