Some images can't be auto tagged

Started by banzai, May 28, 2023, 02:47:35 PM

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Hi there,

while Auto-Tagging works for me in 95% of the cases, I have certain .JPGs, that get no suggested keywords from Google Cloud Vision.
When this happens, I can see an error like this in the log:

Quote05.28 14:34:41+ 5703 [1E18] 00  A> AutoTagger: Service: GOOGLEVISION with 961 calls since 1682253586
05.28 14:34:41+  16 [4F14] 00  A> AutoTagger  1 files in scope.
05.28 14:34:43+ 2343 [06A8] 00  A> AutoTagger: Processing 1 files.
05.28 14:34:44+  641 [5050] 00  A>
AutoTagger  Error: {
  "readyState": 4,
  "responseText": "{\r\n \"error\":{\r\n  \"code\":1102,\r\n  \"message\":\"Invalid parameter.\",\r\n  \"details\":{\r\n  \"parameter\":\"tag.value\",\r\n  \"description\":\"value is missing, empty or invald.\"\r\n  }\r\n }\r\n}",
  "responseJSON": {
    "error": {
      "code": 1102,
      "message": "Invalid parameter.",
      "details": {
        "parameter": "tag.value",
        "description": "value is missing, empty or invald."
  "status": 400,
  "statusText": "Bad Request"
}05.28 14:34:44+    0 [1790] 00  A> AutoTagger  1 files in scope.
05.28 14:34:59+15172 [243C] 00  A> AutoTagger  1 files in scope.

But I've no idea what to make of this. Is this a response coming from google or is it a response from IMatch in reaction to what google has sent as result?
I'm trying to figure out what is special about those sporadic images and how to fix it.

Ciao,    banzai


As always in cases like "With this file this goes wrong", we need this file.
Attach it or upload it to your cloud space and post a link.

Having the actual file here in my lab will allow me to see what's going on.
Does the file show a thumbnail in IMatch?
This is the only variable parameter for this task I can think of.


Yes, it shows a thumbnail.
I have sent you a link to the support email address.


Quote from: banzai on May 28, 2023, 06:14:58 PMYes, it shows a thumbnail.
I have sent you a link to the support email address.
My "My metadata does not work with this file" or "Please analyze this file for me" is always full. Expect a week or more before I can look into this.

I hope you have included a link to this thread in your email.
I get many emails every day and I cannot always remember which email belongs to which community post from two weeks ago ;)


Yes, link to thread is included. Take your time, it's not urgent.


I have download and tested the file.
After adding it to a database, both Google and the new IMatch AI returned keywords for the file. No error messages or anything.
Then I enabled the "Landmark detection" for Google. And now Google returns an internal error:

"code": 13,
 "message": "Internal server error. Unexpected feature response."

I have found an entry from April in the Google Issue Tracker
This is a known problem and Google has acknowledged it. In April. Since then, apparently no change.
If you have enabled the landmark detection, either disable it to get keywords or wait for Google to fix the problem.
This is out of my control.

But I don't get the error message you show above.
I just get no keywords.
This might be a change in the 2023 AutoTagger I use or something else.
When do you get the error? When clicking on the "Suggest" button?

BTW: The IMatch AI returned these keywords for the file (I set it to Deutsch):



Yes, I got the error on clicking "Suggest". But today I can no longer reproduce this error in the log with the image I have sent to you. Strange. I just get no keywords, same as you. I could reproduce it with another image which shows the same behavior, but just once. A second try (closed Auto-Tagger, did the same steps), no longer gives the error.

Ok, it's not a big deal for me, because disabling Landmarks really solves this, and that's the important thing :)
But I think I will keep it on, and only for those few problematic files turn it off temporarily.

Thanks for your support.

PS: those percentages behind the keyword in your screenshot, is this something new in IMatch 2023? Cause I don't have this, but I quite like this...


That's only for me, the percentages show only on my developer PC ;)
They are not really useful for users, since the results are sorted by percentage / similarity anyway. Just for me to see how the IMatch AI is working.