(Multiple Values) strangeness

Started by cg, June 20, 2023, 04:28:50 AM

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I've noticed when selecting multiple files in the File Window and the (Multiple Values) indicator appears in the metadata panel as expected, when subsequently clicking a single file, the (Multiple Values) display persists for any empty tag for the new selected file. This persists while clicking single files or selecting multiple files until a selection has a value in that tag, or until everything is deselected.

Another similar thing I've noticed is when selecting multiple files in the File Window (shift-clicking, using ctrl-A, etc.) sometimes the Metadata Panel shows empty tags where there should display (Multiple Values). It doesn't seem to do this all the time, and I can't figure out the exact circumstances, but it does happen consistently.

Both occur with the several File Window layouts I've tried, including Default. Happy to try more specific tests if there are any thoughts as to what might cause the behavior.


I have noticed this: A single file selected yet the metadata panel shows (Multiple values) for some fields.
Running diagnostics fixes this.
I have not investigated further.


I find the problem still persists after I run diagnostics.


I see the same thing. Switching to another panel and back fixes it for me.



This has been resolved for IMatch 2023.1.10
It only happened when the focused file has no tag value.

What also did not work was to clean/empty tags in multi-file mode when the focused file has no value for a tag.
Clicking the pen did nothing in this case.

Quite hard to track down and fix, this one...