Changing Date Subject Created does not change date in file window

Started by hamishr, July 01, 2023, 08:18:59 AM

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If I change Date Subject Created, the Date & Time Original (short format) in the file window does not get updated. If I force a re-write by pressing space bar at the end of Date Subject Created and deleting the space and clicking on the tick mark, then Date & Time Original is updated. This is an intermittent problem but it seems to happen with me most of the time, except occasionally it switches to updating correctly. I have experienced the same problem when copying and pasting a metadata change in Date Subject Created. This is a new problem with the 2023 version (2023.1.14), that did not occur in the 2021 version. I did use debugger to produce a detailed log file but it is too large as an attachment here.


QuoteI did use debugger to produce a detailed log file but it is too large as an attachment here.
If you zip the log file, it should become small enough.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I cannot reproduce this. Changing the date subject created always updates the global File.DateTime.
Which File Window layout do you use? Which date & time attribute does it show?
How you you copy and paste "metadata changes in Date Subject Created"?

If possible, provide step-by-step details of what you do.
As always with bug reports, the more details, the better. Details matter.


Hi Mario, I am just using the unmodified default display in the file window, where it displays Date & Time Original (short format). When the error happens with Metadata copy/paste, I am copying and pasting metadata changes with the Date Subject Created and Description fields checked.

Attached is the zipped debug-on log file (thanks @thrinn, I should have worked that out). Here, I modified Date Subject Created which resulted in no update in file Window and then modified it a second time (space bar and then delete space and then tick to complete), which then resulted in the date in the file window being updated. This is the normal pattern.


When I understand correctly:

1. Select an image in the File Window.
2. I the MD Panel. click on Copy
3. Tick the boxes in front of Date Subject Created and Description
4. Switch to another file
5. In the MD Panel, click Paste
6. Paste the data. The option "fill only empty..." is off

I tried that about 10 times. It worked every time.
As soon as I commit the changes in the MD panel, the File Window Updates to show the new date and time and description.

Under which conditions does this fail for you?
Special files? Random files? In which View are you in? How many files are selected when you paste?
I've tried with 1 to 20 files.

The log file does not help in this case, since nothing of this has any logging code.


The point is that this problem arises without even using copy and paste. I get it just by changing the Date Subject Created field in the metadata panel - the first time I change it and save, it does not come through in the file window but the second time (when I force a change), it does come through. I am only changing the date and not the time. As it is an intermittent problem, it doesn't surprise me that you are not finding it although for me it happens more often than not.


I've tried that first, changing the date subject created in the MD panel. I've did that for a range of files, but the Date & Time in the Default File Window layout always updated correctly.
Then I've tried copy & paste since you mentioned that. Also worked OK all the time.
I've also tried the TimeWiz app.

Do your timestamps have time zone offsets? Which time zone?
Do you use the default File.DateTime mapping mode under Edit menu > Preferences > Metadata 2?
Does this happen for specific files only?
Does the date & time shown for the files where you experience this problem match the Date Subject Created before you made the change?

Since I could so far not reproduce this and no other user so far reported this, there must be a factor or setting or previously existing metadata or whatever that makes the difference. The more details I get, the better.


After some experimentation, I have managed to turn it off and on as follows:
1. Changing Date Subject Created for one image updates file window immediately.
2. Changing Date Subject Created for 2 versions of an image updates the file window immediately.
3. Changing Date Subject Created for 2 or more different images (with or without versions) does not update the file window on the first try but does on the second try.

This pattern works reliably every time but only on images that have not had their Date Subject Created changed previously (at least in the current work session, not sure of longer).


Thanks, these details were helpful to reproduce and fix this.

The problem was caused by the way IMatch determines if it must update the File.DateTime when the user triggers an update for metadata. IMatch in this case checks if the date subject was added or modified and then performs the mapping into UTC based on the existing time zone or the time zone mapping mode configured by the user.
Basically, under some conditions, this check looked at the wrong update for the tag value. This happens in the merge/partial case, when the user selected multiple files and changed the value of a tag which might have, or might have not, had a different value for some or all of the selected files (merge).

I have fixed this for IMatch 2021.1.16.


Thanks, glad you have managed to sort it out. I think the @ubacher post of 16 June 2023 entitled "Date Original and Time Original failed to get updated (by Timewiz?)", which you were unable to fix because of insufficient info, might be caused by the same or similar error.


Good hint, thanks.
I've tested the change also with TimeWiz and it works as is should.
Hopefully this solves the other problem too.