Copy metadata between files for Location Shown does not copy everything

Started by axel.hennig, June 21, 2023, 11:38:33 PM

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I think there is a problem in copying Location Shown metadata between different files

Might be related to the following but-report

Steps to reproduce
00. Todo: Import file_1 and file_2 (from the attached zip-file) into a testdatabase and also import (from the attached zip-file) the Metadata-Panel Layout (immdl-file; Panel-Layout name is LocationShownTest)
01. Todo: Select file_1
02. Todo: Switch to "LocationShownTest" Layout in the Metadata-Panel
03. Todo: Click on "Copy the panel contents into the Windows clipboard"
04. Todo: Only select the Location Shown metadata-values
05. Todo: Click on Copy
06. Todo: Select file_2
07. Todo: Click on "Paste the clipboard contents into the metadata panel
08. Observation: Before clicking on "Save the changes back to the database" the Location Shown row shows Latitude/Longitude/Altitude values, but the individual rows below don't show these values (see screenshot)
09. Todo: Click on "Save the changes back to the database"
10. Observation: In the Location Shown row Latitude/Longitude/Altitude are gone (see screenshot)
11. Todo: Write-back metadata
12. Observation: Location section shows values, but no Latitude/Longitude/Altitude values available (not in GPS section and also not in Location Shown section) (see screenshot)


Thanks for the very detailed report. Appreciated.

I think I have figured this one out.
It was caused be the dreaded dealing with formatted and numeric/raw values supported by ExifTool.

Your layout uses the numeric/raw option for the lat/lon/alt tags and this was not properly handled by the Copy & Paste mechanism for structured tags.
When pasting, it always sets the formatted coordinates, but since your layout shows the numeric value, it does not show.

Writing back the file will write the formatted values, and when IMatch then re-imports the file, the lat/lon/alt will show again for the target file.

I have solved this issue and also fixed some minor related issues.
If tests work well tomorrow, I'll include these updates in the 2023.1.14 release.