Unable to get viewer to show embedded preview JPEG properly with NEF files

Started by photomy, November 18, 2013, 08:04:03 PM

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I have selected under Preferences for IMatch to use the "embedded preview" (which is a saved jpeg file inside of the nef file) as the image to load for the Viewer when viewing .nef files.  However, the Viewer seems to add its own contrast to the image.  The reason that I can confirm this is that if I save a jpeg using View NX2 the jpeg always matches the most recent edited and saved nef file view perfectly.  However, if i bring both the jpeg and nef file into IMatch 5, the two images appear different, with the primary difference being greater contrast for the nef version.  The jpeg version looks perfect.  Everything was kept in sRGB to take out this variable from in camera shot to editing, etc.  I do not seem to be able to figure this one out.

Added Later:  To the best of my eyes, the thumbnail jpeg of both the jpeg and nef versions do match to the correct image.  Also, IMatch does show edits done to the nef file by NX2, it seems to just show an incorrect contrast or gamma - but only for the raw files.

- Tom


I assume that you set the cache in IMatch to use the embedded preview in RAW files?
All display modules, from the Quick View Panel, Viewer to the Slide Show, use the same image. All work "through" the cache.

I'm not exactly sure that I understand your report.
IMatch extracts the embedded preview from the NEF and produces a cache from it.
When the viewer loads the image, it applies the color profile and other settings you have configured. Usually, the NEF and the embedded preview look very different, depending in which application you look at the NEF. All RAW processors apply different presets when developing the RAW, and when you look at the same NEF in Capture and LR, the output will vary greatly.

If you think that the JPEG displayed in IMatch does not match the preview image in your NEF file, please provide a sample. It's hard to visualize what you see without screen shots and a sample NEF and JPEG file which allows us to reproduce your results. It would also be important to know which WIC codecs you use.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks for reply.

"I assume that you set the cache in IMatch to use the embedded preview in RAW files?"
YES, see line one of post.

There are two ways to see an image for raw files such as nef files.

1) Extract and view the embedded jpeg preview image (full size jpeg for nef files) with all of the color parameters, contrast, etc. already cooked in as with any jpeg.

2) Translate the actual raw data and create an image from the raw data.  This can only be done by programs that have this capability and there are a number of variables that can be selected that will change the final image.  This is of course why a LR image may look different from a View NX2 image of  the same raw nef file.

However, Fastone, Photomechanic, View NX2, Capture NX2, etc, will all agree on how the embedded jpeg image should look and they all show it exactly the same way.  LR could does this as well, except they refuse to use the embedded jpeg from nef files and instead always translate the raw data so they have a good excuse.

You said " Usually, the NEF and the embedded preview look very different".  This is true IF you are comparing the saved embedded preview with am new image that has been created by conversion of the the raw data by a different conversion program.  In this case, I am comparing an embedded preview jpeg already created, saved and fixed by Nikon software BUT viewed in different viewers - IMatch 5 vs. all of my other viewers.  All the other viewers agree on how it should look - IMatch decides to add a bit more contrast.  You say "when you look at the same NEF in Capture and LR, the output will vary greatly."  This is only if the raw data is converted.  I was under the impression IMatch 5 was NOT converting raw data IF the use embedded preview jpeg was selected.

I know for certain that the embedded preview is being used by IMatch5, not conversion of raw data, because I can add an edit layer in Capture NX2 with a message such as TEST across the photo, which does not affect the raw image, but does get saved to the embedded jpeg.  This message does show in the photo with IMatch 5.

Since I selected the option under cache menu for IMatch 5 to use the embedded jpeg from the raw nef file, (with all of the settings already cooked in) I am wondering why the image that IMatch shows has a higher level of contrast than it should.  If I create an external jpeg in View NX2 of the raw nef file and bring it into IMatch to compare, it is very clear the difference.  For may images this difference does not matter much, but for subtle portraits it does.

I do not know how to explain it any other way.

As to WIC Codecs, I have no idea.  I do not see anywhere in the new IMatch 5 where we have a choice of WIC Codecs.  If we do, let me know and I will try another setting.