Where is the IM3 bottom panel hidden?

Started by cytochrome, June 28, 2013, 11:32:30 PM

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IM3 has a nice panel at the bottom of the screen (the one with Properties, EXIF, IPTC, Categories, XMP...) very handy when going through images to see what categories are already assigned.

Can I get the same in IM5? The Cat panel (F9, C) is a mess in comparison.



That is replaced by the panels such as Metadata, Keywords, etc. The EXIF and IPTC should be rolled into the Metadata panel. If the canned panels don't work for you, you can customize them or create your own from scratch. You can also display multiple panels at once (IM5 makes much better use of multiple monitor setups than IM3 ever dreamed of).

Spend some time going through the help on these. IM5 is far, far more capable in this area than IM3 was.

For example, the categories panel doesn't simply display the assigned cats, but also trakes the place of the Assign dialog. You can also break it up into up to 6 tabs, and only show segments of your cat tree. Again, spend some time in the help file.


I'm not sure if you are already using the "Current" tab in the category panel, if not that me be what you are looking for. It took me a while to realize that there are multiple tabs and that when you click on "Current" next to categories only the assigned categories of the selection are displayed. You can even switch on and off the data driven categories. For me that works similar to Imatch 3, altough I have not used it for a while now.



The IPTC, EXIF and XMP windows are not longer available.. IMatch 5 uses a combined metadata editor in the Metadata Panel. You can configure which metadata you see there. See the corresponding section on the Metadata Panel in the help.

When it comes to display and edit categories, Category Panel is your friend.
To see the categories assigned to the currently selected file(s), make sure you bring the Current tab into the foreground by clicking on it:

The Current tab allows you to see the directly assigned categories, data-driven categories the file is assigned to and @Keyword categories as well. You can enable/disable the display of these special categories to have an uncluttered view.

[attachment deleted by admin]


As Mario alluded to, one thing you can do is create your own custom Metadata layout, so that you can choose what fields you see in the Metadata panel.  Or you can do the same kind of thing in an IMatch App, with a little more effort but a lot more control.



Thanks for all the advices. The "Current" did it. And I'll follow Ferdinand's advice and make my personal panel to show a summary of cat, IPTC, XMP and so on I care for.

In fact I had made such a panel for some early betas but that was a year ago.



Quote from: Mario on June 29, 2013, 08:26:05 AM

To see the categories assigned to the currently selected file(s), make sure you bring the Current tab into the foreground by clicking on it:

However, is there any way at all to see the currently selected at the same time as the Categories, so that one would be able to see missing assignments in one window/panel and add them from the Categories pane, without having to remember which to add ?  :)


The categories assigned to the currently selected file(s) show with a check in the category tree. If you have multiple files selected and not all files have the same set of categories, IMatch uses "intermediate" check boxes (usually gray, depends on the Windows version used) to indicate this.

When you work in the Category view, you have the category tree available, and you can switch the Category Panel to show the categories of the currently selected files.

There are several additional ways to display the categories of the selected file:

  • You can display the categories in the thumbnail panel
  • You can include the categories in the file window tip
  • You can open the Var Toy App in the App Panel and use this variable in the upper field:
    This will show the direct assigned categories for the current file.
  • You can setup your own HTML Template to show the information you want, including the categories of the selected file

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Mario on July 01, 2013, 09:23:10 AM
There are several additional ways to display the categories of the selected file:

  • You can display the categories in the thumbnail panel
  • You can include the categories in the file window tip
  • You can setup your own HTML Template to show the information you want, including the categories of the selected file
:-[ Should have known there would be more than one ways to do so. But it is going to take me a while reading on all that in the help files. However:
Quote from: Mario on July 01, 2013, 09:23:10 AM
  • You can open the Var Toy App in the App Panel and use this variable in the upper field:
    This will show the direct assigned categories for the current file.
BINGO! This certainly solves my immediate need, thank you very much


Quote from: Mario on Today at 09:23:10

•You can open the Var Toy App in the App Panel and use this variable in the upper field:
This will show the direct assigned categories for the current file.
QuoteBINGO! This certainly solves my immediate need, thank you very much
Could you explain what the VarToy solution offers that is not already in the Current selection of the Category Panel?
In another thread I'm also having trouble trying to follow the reasoning users have regarding the use of IM5.


Quote from: BenAW on July 01, 2013, 05:57:47 PM
Could you explain what the VarToy solution offers that is not already in the Current selection of the Category Panel?
Probably nothing. But what I wanted was a way to 'see what is missing' on one side and be able to assign it in the other panel, and this lets me do it.


This way he can see the categories assigned to the currently focused file, and keep the category tree open in the Category Panel. To see the categories assigned to the current image one has to switch from the category tree to the "current" tab in the Category Panel. If a user wants to see both at the same time, the Var Toy app is a quick solution. Another solution would be the Report App (with the same variable) or a custom HTML template of course.


The {File.Categories.Direct|replace:~;=={cr}} trick works... surprising. Can you explain the logic behind? ~ replaces (or is replaced) by cr, but where? and why does it display the current categories?




This variable returns the categories to which a file is directly assigned (the VarToy app looks at the currently focused file in the file window).
This variable returns a semicolon-separated list of all categories, e.g.


I added a variable formatting function to replace the ; with a carriage return. This breaks the categories into separate lines in the VarToy result field:


Since the ; has a special meaning in variables (it separates the formatting functions if you use more than one) I have to escape it with a ~.


Thanks alot for this clear explanation of a nice trick



Variables are very powerful in IMatch 5. And the time to learn how to use them is well spent. Variables can be used everywhere: File Window TIp, Viewer, Slide Show, Batch Processor, Renamer, IMatch 5 Apps, HTML Templates, Scripts, ...