Conditional Formatting: Highlight Tags based on their values

Started by zematima, July 09, 2023, 01:07:32 PM

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Hi all:
Trying this option that worked very well in previous versions, but now i can't manage to put it working.
The configuration is in 1.jpg, and the result in 2.jpg
The Latitude on 2.jpg should be in red.
I followed what is described in the help file. 
Am I missing anything?
Version 2023_1_16, Windows 11.
Thanks in advance,


Your regular expression does "nothing".
The ^ character means "beginning of word" and $ means "end of word".
For example

^beach => all words starting with beach
jpg$ all words ending with jpg

What are you trying to achieve?
You want to highlight the latitude tag when which condition is met?


Hi Mario:
I want that the field Latitude (or other field) turns red when is empty.


Sorry, this cannot work.
For performance reasons, the Metadata Panel evaluates only non-empty values to see if there is a filter to apply.
You can hide empty tags, but not filter them.



As an idea: Maybe you could set the default background color to red. Then add a conditional formatting with a RegExp catching anything, like
Now, you can color the field differently if it is filled (for example, green).
I did not try it yet, but in theory it should work.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Good idea!
These settings work (I've used RGB 63,63,63 for the dark gray background to match the normal color):

