[BBD] Quick and Controlled Copy & Paste for Metadata key short cuts don't work

Started by hluxem, July 10, 2023, 10:29:01 PM

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This maybe a small bug related to this topic:

Quick and Controlled Copy & Paste for Metadata (photools.com)

It seems like the keyboard short cuts  <Ctrl> <C> and <Ctrl> <V> don't work at all. I tried different metadata layout but it seems like the short cuts don't do anything. Using the latest Imatch 2023 version.



<Ctrl>+<C> copies the metadata into the clipboard using the current settings.
You'll see that the "Paste" icon in the MD panel becomes active afterwards. It's the same like <Ctrl>+left-clicking the button.
To show the Copy & Paste panel, click the copy button or paste button.


<Ctrl>+<C> only shows the form only when there is no previous selection. Same as <Ctrl>+left click.
IMatch 2023.1.18 introduces the Alt+Ctrl+C hotkey which forces the form to show so the user can select different tags without using the mouse.